
2019-03-27 01:12|来源: 网路


  1. Lucene的算分模型
  2. Boost


1. tf - Term Frequency. The frequency with which a term appears in a document. Given a search query, the higher the term frequency, the higher the document score.

2. idf - Inverse Document Frequency. The rarer a term is across all documents in the index, the higher it's contribution to the score.

3. coord - Coordination Factor. The more query terms that are found in a document, the higher it's score.

coord is the coordination factor - if there are multiple terms in a query, the more terms that match, the higher the score.

4. fieldNorm - Field length. The more words that a field contains, the lower it's score. This factor penalizes documents with longer field values. In another word, matches on a smaller field score higher than matches on a larger field

Boost可以分为index-time boost和query-time boost:

Index-time boosts are applied when adding documents, and apply to the entire document or to specific fields.

Query-time boosts are applied when constructing a search query, and apply to specific fields.




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  • 对于初学者来说,Solr6中的相似性更改为BM25,所以这已经是应该做的事了。 如果你想尽可能地得到类似4.x的分数,我会: 使用tdidf相似性,请参阅此处 阅读发行说明,并查看是否有其他默认设置发生了变化,对分数有一定影响。 在请求中使用调试和解释参数以获取有关如何计算结果的详细信息 for starters, similarity changed to BM25 in Solr6, so this already should be something to do. If you want to ge ...
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    您可以尝试实现自定义SearchComponent ,它将在Solr上获得结果并在那里计算您的自定义分数。 从ResponseBuilder ( rb.getResults().docSet )中获取结果,迭代它们,将计算值添加到结果中并重新排序。 然后,您可以在RequestHandler链中将SearchComponent注册为最后一个: elevator SolR手册中的更多信息: http ://wi ...
  • 订单不会更改查询的分数。 将debugQuery = on作为参数添加到HTTP请求中,您可以看到如何计算分数。 I opened another question and then i found the answer after hours of testing. Stackoverflow: solr-custom-similarity
  • 您可以指定要返回的最大结果数。 结果将按分数降序显示,因此您可以停止在结果集中的特定点处理。 solr/search/select?q=LOL&&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore 有关设置最低分数的讨论,请参阅以下文章: 是否可以“合理地”设置Solr分数阈值,与返回的结果无关? (即Solr评分是否以任何方式标准化) You can specify a maximum number of results to return. The results will appear in ...
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