首页 \ 问答 \ 如何正确解释solr相似度得分?(How to correctly interpret solr similarity score?)

如何正确解释solr相似度得分?(How to correctly interpret solr similarity score?)

我知道Solr返回的相似性分数仅与特定查询相关,并且它们只具有相对含义。 话虽如此,有没有办法确定全球时尚得分的“优点”?

例如:假设我运行MLT查询并获得5个文档。 每个文档都有一个分数,但事实是分数最高的文档不一定是最相关的。 我希望能够指定一个阈值分数,我甚至不会考虑这些文件。

如何确定这个门槛? 只是通过经验测量,或者我可以说通常 ,大于3的相似性得分在内容上有很好的相似性,而小于1的相似性得分通常意味着文档完全不相关? 或者,我可以说结果小于文档与自身相似性的80%是无关紧要的吗?

I am aware that the similarity scores returned by Solr are relevant only for a specific query and that they have only relative meaning. Having said that, is there a way to determine the 'goodness' of a score in a global fashion?

For example: Suppose I run an MLT query and get 5 documents. Each document has a score but the fact is that the document with the highest score is not necessarily the most relevant. I want to be able to specify a threshold score below which I do not even consider the documents.

How can this threshold be determined? Is it only by empirical measurement, or can I say that usually, a similarity score larger than 3 gives good resemblance in content, while similarity scores smaller than 1 usually means the document is completely irrelevant? Or alternatively, can I say that results that are less than 80% of the similarity of a document to itself are irrelevant?

更新时间:2022-02-14 14:02



def upload_to_id_image(instance, filename):
    extension = splitext(filename)[1].lower()
    salt, hashed = generate_sha1(instance.id)
    path = 'profiles/%(id)s_%(date_now)s_' % {
                                         'id': instance.user.id,
                                         'date_now': get_datetime_now().date().strftime("%Y%m%d")}
    return '%(path)s%(hash)s%(extension)s' % {'path': path,
                                          'hash': hashed[:16],
                                          'extension': extension}


photo = ProcessedImageField(upload_to=upload_to_id_image,

当然你可以删除哈希码。 但是对于文件安全性,make散列文件名更好。

you can change upload_to value to function like this

def upload_to_id_image(instance, filename):
    extension = splitext(filename)[1].lower()
    salt, hashed = generate_sha1(instance.id)
    path = 'profiles/%(id)s_%(date_now)s_' % {
                                         'id': instance.user.id,
                                         'date_now': get_datetime_now().date().strftime("%Y%m%d")}
    return '%(path)s%(hash)s%(extension)s' % {'path': path,
                                          'hash': hashed[:16],
                                          'extension': extension}

and then, you should change your code like this,

photo = ProcessedImageField(upload_to=upload_to_id_image,

of course you can delete hash code. but for file security, make hashed file name is better.


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