
2019-03-02 23:52|来源: 网路






Love is someone to cuddle during a storm.

Love is not looking a day older than the day you met.

Love is being Valentines for thirty-five years.

Love is when your heart skips a beat and your knees turn to jelly.

Love is wanting to save him money.

Love is when you can't get through the day without him.

Love is what can happen when you least expect it.

Love is when you're the pearl in his oyster.

Love is watching him fall into a contented sleep.

Love is a little nuzzle.

Love is hunting for just the right card to send him.

Love is putting your coat around her when it's cold.

Love is when boy meets girl.

Love is coming home to dinner.

Love is when he is out of sight but not out of mind.

Love is twin blesssings.

Love is making up.



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