首页 \ 问答 \ 在运行时动态加载程序集依赖关系的问题(Problems loading assembly dependencies dynamically at run-time)

在运行时动态加载程序集依赖关系的问题(Problems loading assembly dependencies dynamically at run-time)

让我试着解释我的问题。 我目前正在尝试开发一个用.Net编写的小型“插件框架”(主要用于实验)。 所以这个想法是通过在主应用程序的特定文件夹“插件”中部署dll来创建一个可以添加“插件”的主应用程序。 一切正常,插件正确实例化,但现在我面临一个问题。 我现在部署了一个插件“X”,它使用了额外的第三方插件,所以现在我遇到了这样的问题:在运行时找不到“X”所需的其他第三方插件。 我的想法现在是添加一个额外的目录“依赖关系”,我也部署了所有需要的插件。



AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve);

System.Reflection.Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
    //find the path to the assembly and then load and return it by
    //return Assembly.Load("pathToDependencies/failedAssembly.dll");

问题是这个事件处理程序现在被激活并在args变量中使用“Presentation.Zune.dll”(我正在使用WPF应用程序)。 好像那个程序集加载失败但实际问题是另一个dll。

有人可以建议我一个更好的方法来解决我的问题吗? 我希望我能够充分解释我的情况,否则只是要求进一步澄清。


let me try to explain my problem. I'm currently trying to develop a small "plugin-framework" written in .Net (mainly for experimenting a bit). So the idea is to have a main application to which "plugins" can be added by deploying dlls in a specific folder "plugins" of the main application. Everything works fine, the plugins are instantiated properly, however now I'm facing a problem. I have deployed now a plugin "X" that uses additional 3rd-party plugins and so now I have the problem that these additional 3rd-party plugins required by "X" are not found at run-time. My idea is therefore now to add an additional directory "dependencies" where I also deploy all of the needed plugins.

So my first question: How can I load the assemblies into the application domain (given that I know the path to them) s.t. they can be used by my application?

I tried to approach that by doing something like:

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve);

System.Reflection.Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
    //find the path to the assembly and then load and return it by
    //return Assembly.Load("pathToDependencies/failedAssembly.dll");

The problem is that this event-handler now gets activated having the "Presentation.Zune.dll" in the args variable (I'm using a WPF app). It seems as if that assembly failed loading but the actual problem is another dll.

Can someone suggest me a better way to solve my problem? I hope that I was able to explain my situation sufficiently, otherwise just ask for further clarification.

Thanks, Juri

更新时间:2024-04-13 15:04


只要没有错误, FIRAuth.auth()?.createUserWithEmail将立即创建用户,那么就不需要

// Create Firebase User
let userData = ["provider" : "email", "password": password!]
DataService.ds.createFirebaseUser(user!.uid, user: userData)
print("firebase user created!")


As long as there is no error, FIRAuth.auth()?.createUserWithEmail will create the user immediately, there would be no need for

// Create Firebase User
let userData = ["provider" : "email", "password": password!]
DataService.ds.createFirebaseUser(user!.uid, user: userData)
print("firebase user created!")

check your firebase console to see if users have been created


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