首页 \ 问答 \ 通用链接对象列表(Java)(Generic Linked List of Objects (Java))

通用链接对象列表(Java)(Generic Linked List of Objects (Java))

我是Java的新手,这是我使用它的第二堂课(在大学里)。 在学期开始时,我创建了一个代表Zombies的简单类,它包含了它们的年龄,类型和名称。 后来,我制作了一个整数链表。 现在,我需要创建一个可以容纳这些“Zombies”的通用链表。 我还必须制作一个菜单,允许我添加,删除,计数和显示'Zombies'。 我一直盯着这几个小时,浏览我的书,并在网上寻找我的问题的答案。 我可以添加并显示这些'Zombies',但是在列表中计算它们并尝试删除它们只是让它告诉我没有我输入的参数。 换句话说,我可能会比较“僵尸”的问题。 这是我的代码。 我理解这是一个很好的300行代码来查看...但我没有想法。


public class Zombie
private String zAge;
private String zType;
private String zName;

public Zombie(String zA, String zT, String zN)
    zAge = zA;
    zType = zT;
    zName = zN;

public void setZAge(String zA)
    zAge = zA;

public void setZType(String zT)
    zType = zT;

public void setZName(String zN)
    zName = zN;

public String getZAge()
    return zAge;

public String getZType()
    return zType;

public String getZName()
    return zName;

public boolean equals(Zombie zomb)
    if(zomb.getZAge() == zAge && zomb.getZType() == zType && zomb.getZName() == zName)
        return true;
        return false;


public class LinkedBag<E>
//Head node and number of nodes in bag
private Node<E> head;
private int manyNodes;

public LinkedBag()
    head = null;
    manyNodes = 0;

//Returns the number of nodes in the bag
public int getSize()
    return manyNodes;

//Returns the node that is at the head of the linked list
public Node<E> getListStart()
    return head;

//Adds a node to the beginning of the list
public void add(E element)
    head = new Node<E>(element,head);       //Creates a new node pointing to the head and sets the head of the linked bag to the new Node
    manyNodes++;        //Increments Node counter

//Counts the number of times Node [target] occurs within the bag
public int countOccurences(E target)
    int count = 0;      //Initializes incrementable counter

    if(head==null)      //Checks if bag is empty and returns null if bag is empty
        return 0;

    if(head.getData().equals(target))       //Checks if the head of the linked list is [target]
        count++;            //Increments counter

    Node<E> cursor = head;      //Sets temporary Node [cursor] to the same value and pointer as head

    while(cursor.getLink() != null)     //Loops until the next Node contains no value
        if(cursor.getLink().getData().equals(target))           //Checks if the value of the next Node is [target]
            count++;                //Increments counter

        cursor=cursor.getLink();            //Cursor continues down linked list

    return count;       //Returns incremented int [count], number of occurences of [target]

//Checks if Node [target] exists within the bag
public boolean exists(E target)
    if(head.getData().equals(target))       //Checks if the head of the linked list is [target]
        return true;

    Node<E> cursor = head;      //Sets temporary Node [cursor] to the same value and pointer as head

    while(cursor.getLink() != null)     //Loops until the next Node contains no value
            if(cursor.getData().equals(target))     //Checks if current Node is [target] and returns true if true
                return true;

            cursor=cursor.getLink();        //Cursor continues down linked list
            return false;       //Returns false if cursor goes through entire linked list and [target] isn't found

//Checks if Node [target] exists within the bag and removes the first occurence of it
public boolean remove(E target)
    if(head==null)          //Returns false if bag is empty
        return false;

    if(head.getData().equals(target))   //If the head Node's data is [target]
        head = head.getLink();      //Make the next Node the head
        manyNodes--;            //Decrements Node counter
        return true;            //Returns true, found [target]

    Node<E> cursor = head;          //Sets temporary Node [cursor] to the same value and pointer as head

    while(cursor.getLink() != null)     //Loops until the next Node contains no value
        cursor = cursor.getLink();      //Cursor continues down linked list

        if(cursor.getLink().getData().equals(target))   //If the next node's data is [target]
            cursor.setLink(cursor.getLink().getLink());     //Sets current Node's link to the next Node's link, by passing the next Node
            manyNodes--;            //Decrements Node counter
            return true;            //Returns true, found [target]
    return false;           //Returns false, [target] not found


public class Node<E>
private E data;
private Node<E> link;

public Node(E initialData, Node<E> initialLink)
    data = initialData;
    link = initialLink;

public E getData()
    return data;

public Node<E> getLink ()
    return link;

public void setData(E element)
    data = element;

public void setLink(Node<E> newLink)
    link = newLink;


import java.util.Scanner;

public class ZombiesProj2
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
    LinkedBag<Zombie> zBag = new LinkedBag<Zombie>();       //Linked bag to hold Zombie Objects
    String choice = "";

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("\nSac de Zombi\n");
        System.out.println("S - Display size of bag");
        System.out.println("A - Add 'Zombie' to bag");
        System.out.println("R - Remove 'Zombie' from bag");
        System.out.println("F - Find 'Zombie' in bag");
        System.out.println("D - Display contents of bag");
        System.out.println("X - Exit");
        System.out.print("Enter Selection: ");

        //Input and Output
        choice = input.nextLine();

            System.out.println("\nSize = " + zBag.getSize() + "\n");
        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("a"))       //adds zombie
            String zAge;
            String zType;
            String zName;

            System.out.print("How many years has this zombie ROAMED THE EARTH: ");
            zAge = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What type of zombie is it: ");
            zType = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What would you like to name this zombie: ");
            zName = input.nextLine();

            Zombie newZomb = new Zombie(zAge,zType,zName);
        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("r"))       //removes zombie
            String zAge;
            String zType;
            String zName;

            System.out.print("How many years has this zombie ROAMED THE EARTH: ");
            zAge = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What type of zombie is it: ");
            zType = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What is the name of the zombie: ");
            zName = input.nextLine();

            Zombie rZomb = new Zombie(zAge,zType,zName);

        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("f"))       //counts number of matching zombies
            String zAge;
            String zType;
            String zName;

            System.out.print("How many years has this zombie ROAMED THE EARTH: ");
            zAge = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What type of zombie is it: ");

            zType = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What is the name of the zombie: ");
            zName = input.nextLine();

            Zombie fZomb = new Zombie(zAge,zType,zName);

            System.out.println("The " + zAge + " year old zombie type " + zType + " named " + zName + " occurs " + zBag.countOccurences(fZomb)+ " time(s)");
        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("d"))       //displays entire zombie 'bag'
            Node cursor = zBag.getListStart();
            Zombie dZomb;
            while(cursor !=null)
                dZomb = (Zombie)cursor.getData();
                System.out.print("[Zombie "+dZomb.getZAge()+" "+dZomb.getZType()+" "+dZomb.getZName()+"],");
                cursor = cursor.getLink();
        else if(!choice.equalsIgnoreCase("x"))  
            System.out.println("Error: Invalid Entry");


public boolean equals(Object obj)
        return false;
        return true;
    if(obj.getClass() != getClass())
        return false;

    Zombie zomb = (Zombie)obj;
    if(zomb.getZAge().equals(zAge) && zomb.getZType().equals(zType) && zomb.getZName().equals(zName))
        return true;
        return false;

public int hashCode() { return 0; }

I'm pretty new to Java, with this being my second class (in College) using it. Towards the beginning of the semester, I made a simple class representing Zombies that holds their age, type, and name. Later on, I made a linked list of integers. Now, I need to make a generic linked list that can hold these 'Zombies'. I also have to make a menu that allows me to add, remove, count, and display 'Zombies'. I've been staring at this for hours, going through my book, and looking online for the answer to my problem. I can add and display these 'Zombies', but counting them in the list and trying to remove them simply has it tell me there's none with the parameters I entered. In other words, there might be a problem with how I compare the 'Zombies'. Here's my code. I understand it's a good 300 lines of code to look through... but i'm out of ideas.


public class Zombie
private String zAge;
private String zType;
private String zName;

public Zombie(String zA, String zT, String zN)
    zAge = zA;
    zType = zT;
    zName = zN;

public void setZAge(String zA)
    zAge = zA;

public void setZType(String zT)
    zType = zT;

public void setZName(String zN)
    zName = zN;

public String getZAge()
    return zAge;

public String getZType()
    return zType;

public String getZName()
    return zName;

public boolean equals(Zombie zomb)
    if(zomb.getZAge() == zAge && zomb.getZType() == zType && zomb.getZName() == zName)
        return true;
        return false;


public class LinkedBag<E>
//Head node and number of nodes in bag
private Node<E> head;
private int manyNodes;

public LinkedBag()
    head = null;
    manyNodes = 0;

//Returns the number of nodes in the bag
public int getSize()
    return manyNodes;

//Returns the node that is at the head of the linked list
public Node<E> getListStart()
    return head;

//Adds a node to the beginning of the list
public void add(E element)
    head = new Node<E>(element,head);       //Creates a new node pointing to the head and sets the head of the linked bag to the new Node
    manyNodes++;        //Increments Node counter

//Counts the number of times Node [target] occurs within the bag
public int countOccurences(E target)
    int count = 0;      //Initializes incrementable counter

    if(head==null)      //Checks if bag is empty and returns null if bag is empty
        return 0;

    if(head.getData().equals(target))       //Checks if the head of the linked list is [target]
        count++;            //Increments counter

    Node<E> cursor = head;      //Sets temporary Node [cursor] to the same value and pointer as head

    while(cursor.getLink() != null)     //Loops until the next Node contains no value
        if(cursor.getLink().getData().equals(target))           //Checks if the value of the next Node is [target]
            count++;                //Increments counter

        cursor=cursor.getLink();            //Cursor continues down linked list

    return count;       //Returns incremented int [count], number of occurences of [target]

//Checks if Node [target] exists within the bag
public boolean exists(E target)
    if(head.getData().equals(target))       //Checks if the head of the linked list is [target]
        return true;

    Node<E> cursor = head;      //Sets temporary Node [cursor] to the same value and pointer as head

    while(cursor.getLink() != null)     //Loops until the next Node contains no value
            if(cursor.getData().equals(target))     //Checks if current Node is [target] and returns true if true
                return true;

            cursor=cursor.getLink();        //Cursor continues down linked list
            return false;       //Returns false if cursor goes through entire linked list and [target] isn't found

//Checks if Node [target] exists within the bag and removes the first occurence of it
public boolean remove(E target)
    if(head==null)          //Returns false if bag is empty
        return false;

    if(head.getData().equals(target))   //If the head Node's data is [target]
        head = head.getLink();      //Make the next Node the head
        manyNodes--;            //Decrements Node counter
        return true;            //Returns true, found [target]

    Node<E> cursor = head;          //Sets temporary Node [cursor] to the same value and pointer as head

    while(cursor.getLink() != null)     //Loops until the next Node contains no value
        cursor = cursor.getLink();      //Cursor continues down linked list

        if(cursor.getLink().getData().equals(target))   //If the next node's data is [target]
            cursor.setLink(cursor.getLink().getLink());     //Sets current Node's link to the next Node's link, by passing the next Node
            manyNodes--;            //Decrements Node counter
            return true;            //Returns true, found [target]
    return false;           //Returns false, [target] not found


public class Node<E>
private E data;
private Node<E> link;

public Node(E initialData, Node<E> initialLink)
    data = initialData;
    link = initialLink;

public E getData()
    return data;

public Node<E> getLink ()
    return link;

public void setData(E element)
    data = element;

public void setLink(Node<E> newLink)
    link = newLink;

And this is the menu file that the user interacts with ZombiesProj2.java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ZombiesProj2
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
    LinkedBag<Zombie> zBag = new LinkedBag<Zombie>();       //Linked bag to hold Zombie Objects
    String choice = "";

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("\nSac de Zombi\n");
        System.out.println("S - Display size of bag");
        System.out.println("A - Add 'Zombie' to bag");
        System.out.println("R - Remove 'Zombie' from bag");
        System.out.println("F - Find 'Zombie' in bag");
        System.out.println("D - Display contents of bag");
        System.out.println("X - Exit");
        System.out.print("Enter Selection: ");

        //Input and Output
        choice = input.nextLine();

            System.out.println("\nSize = " + zBag.getSize() + "\n");
        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("a"))       //adds zombie
            String zAge;
            String zType;
            String zName;

            System.out.print("How many years has this zombie ROAMED THE EARTH: ");
            zAge = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What type of zombie is it: ");
            zType = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What would you like to name this zombie: ");
            zName = input.nextLine();

            Zombie newZomb = new Zombie(zAge,zType,zName);
        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("r"))       //removes zombie
            String zAge;
            String zType;
            String zName;

            System.out.print("How many years has this zombie ROAMED THE EARTH: ");
            zAge = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What type of zombie is it: ");
            zType = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What is the name of the zombie: ");
            zName = input.nextLine();

            Zombie rZomb = new Zombie(zAge,zType,zName);

        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("f"))       //counts number of matching zombies
            String zAge;
            String zType;
            String zName;

            System.out.print("How many years has this zombie ROAMED THE EARTH: ");
            zAge = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What type of zombie is it: ");

            zType = input.nextLine();
            System.out.print("What is the name of the zombie: ");
            zName = input.nextLine();

            Zombie fZomb = new Zombie(zAge,zType,zName);

            System.out.println("The " + zAge + " year old zombie type " + zType + " named " + zName + " occurs " + zBag.countOccurences(fZomb)+ " time(s)");
        else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("d"))       //displays entire zombie 'bag'
            Node cursor = zBag.getListStart();
            Zombie dZomb;
            while(cursor !=null)
                dZomb = (Zombie)cursor.getData();
                System.out.print("[Zombie "+dZomb.getZAge()+" "+dZomb.getZType()+" "+dZomb.getZName()+"],");
                cursor = cursor.getLink();
        else if(!choice.equalsIgnoreCase("x"))  
            System.out.println("Error: Invalid Entry");

Updated equals and hashCode

public boolean equals(Object obj)
        return false;
        return true;
    if(obj.getClass() != getClass())
        return false;

    Zombie zomb = (Zombie)obj;
    if(zomb.getZAge().equals(zAge) && zomb.getZType().equals(zType) && zomb.getZName().equals(zName))
        return true;
        return false;

public int hashCode() { return 0; }

更新时间:2023-07-01 06:07


这取决于InkPicture控件中使用的API。 没有明确的指南,唯一最好的机会是与MOMA一起找出。 另一种方法是将InkPicture dll或库复制到mono,然后在单声道和手指交叉处运行编译的应用程序(制作一个简单的winform应用程序,引用控件并连接InkPicture的事件处理程序)。 它可能工作,可能不会。 您需要密切关注Mono项目页面,以查看bug列表中发生了什么变化或修复。

一般来说,如果使用了p / invokes,则应避免使用p / invokes或特定的Win32API调用,但不能保证它能正常工作,但可以通过创建一个虚拟函数或用于包装Mono的例程来实现确切的说。



It depends on what the API are used within the InkPicture Control. There is no definitive guide, the only best chance is to run it with the MOMA to find out. The other way is to copy the InkPicture dll or library across to mono, and run your compiled application (Make a simple winform application referencing the control and wire up the InkPicture's event handlers) under Mono and fingers crossed. It may work, it may not. You need to keep a close eye on the Mono project page itself to see what's changed or fixed in the buglist.

Generally as a rule, avoid any p/invokes, or specific Win32API calls, if there are p/invokes used, no guarantee it will work but you can get around that by creating a dummy function or a wrapper to the underlying Mono's routines to achieve exactly that.

Other than that, Good luck with the InkPicture control and hope it works out for you :)

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.


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  • 我们可以有一个调度程序,你可以异步添加东西,但会同步按顺序执行吗?(Can we have a dispatcher that you can add things todo asynchronously but will be executed in that order synchronously?)
  • “FROM a,b”和“FROM a FULL OUTER JOIN b”之间有什么区别?(What is the difference between “FROM a, b” and “FROM a FULL OUTER JOIN b”?)
  • Java中的不可变类(Immutable class in Java)
  • bat批处理文件结果导出到txt
  • WordPress发布查询(WordPress post query)
  • 如何在关系数据库中存储与IPv6兼容的地址(How to store IPv6-compatible address in a relational database)
  • 是否可以检查对象值的条件并返回密钥?(Is it possible to check the condition of a value of an object and JUST return the key?)
  • 德州新起点计算机培训学校主要课程有什么?
  • GEP分段错误LLVM C ++ API(GEP segmentation fault LLVM C++ API)
  • “latin1_german1_ci”整理来自哪里?(Where is “latin1_german1_ci” collation coming from?)