首页 \ 问答 \ tshark导出FIX消息(tshark export FIX messages)

tshark导出FIX消息(tshark export FIX messages)



  • 捕获包含FIX协议中的会话的网络流量
  • 将来自网络流量的各个FIX消息提取为“漂亮”格式,例如CSV
  • 对导出的“漂亮”格式数据进行一些数据分析


  • 使用pcap捕获网络流量
  • 使用tshark以CSV格式打印相关数据
  • 使用Python(pandas)来分析数据


问题是一些捕获的TCP数据包包含多个FIX消息,这意味着当我使用tshark导出到CSV时,我没有得到每行的FIX消息。 这使得消费CSV变得困难。


tshark -r dump.pcap \
-R \'(fix.MsgType[0]=="G" or fix.MsgType[0]=="D" or fix.MsgType[0]=="8" or \ fix.MsgType[0]=="F") and fix.ClOrdID != "0"\' \ 
-Tfields -Eseparator=, -Eoccurrence=l -e frame.time_relative \
-e fix.MsgType -e fix.SenderCompID \
-e fix.SenderSubID -e fix.Symbol -e fix.Side \
-e fix.Price -e fix.OrderQty -e fix.ClOrdID \
-e fix.OrderID -e fix.OrdStatus'

请注意,我正在使用“-Eoccurrence = l”来获取在数据包中出现多个字段的情况下最后一次出现的命名字段。 这不是一个可接受的解决方案,因为当数据包中有多个FIX消息时,信息将被丢弃。



这是我在TCP数据包中有多个FIX消息(三个是这种情况)并且使用命令行标志“-Eoccurrence = a”时看到的:




The Objective

I'm trying to achieve the following:

  • capture network traffic containing a conversation in the FIX protocol
  • extract the individual FIX messages from the network traffic into a "nice" format, e.g. CSV
  • do some data analysis on the exported "nice" format data

I have achieved this by:

  • using pcap to capture the network traffic
  • using tshark to print the relevant data as a CSV
  • using Python (pandas) to analyse the data

The Problem

The problem is that some of the captured TCP packets contain more than one FIX message, which means that when I do the export to CSV using tshark I don't get a FIX message per line. This makes consuming the CSV difficult.

This is the tshark commandline I'm using to extract the relevant FIX fields as CSV is:

tshark -r dump.pcap \
-R \'(fix.MsgType[0]=="G" or fix.MsgType[0]=="D" or fix.MsgType[0]=="8" or \ fix.MsgType[0]=="F") and fix.ClOrdID != "0"\' \ 
-Tfields -Eseparator=, -Eoccurrence=l -e frame.time_relative \
-e fix.MsgType -e fix.SenderCompID \
-e fix.SenderSubID -e fix.Symbol -e fix.Side \
-e fix.Price -e fix.OrderQty -e fix.ClOrdID \
-e fix.OrderID -e fix.OrdStatus'

Note that I'm currently using "-Eoccurrence=l" to get just the last occurrence of a named field in the case where there is more than one occurrence of a field in the packet. This is not an acceptable solution as information will get thrown away when there are multiple FIX messages in a packet.

This is what I expect to see per line in the exported CSV file (fields from one FIX message):


This is what I see when there is more than one FIX message (three is this case) in a TCP packet and the commandline flag "-Eoccurrence=a" is used:


The Question

Is there a way (not necessarily using tshark) to extract each individual, protocol specific message from a pcap file?

更新时间:2023-06-17 06:06


MySQL in重复评估不相关的子查询时存在一个问题 ,就好像它们是相关的。 重写为连接是否会改善事物?

    COUNT(distinct p.`id`)  
FROM `poems` p
JOIN `poems_genres` pg
ON  p.`id` = pg.`poem_id`  
WHERE pg.`genre_title` = 'derision' AND p.`status` = 'finished';

如果不是,那么根据这篇文章 (请参阅“如何强制内部查询先执行”一节 )将它包装在派生表中可能会有所帮助。

 select  `poem_id` from ( SELECT `poem_id`
                  FROM `poems_genres`  
                  WHERE `genre_title` = 'derision') x

) AND `status` = 'finished';

MySQL has a problem with in where it repeatedly re-evaluates uncorrelated sub queries as though they were correlated. Does rewriting as a join improve things?

    COUNT(distinct p.`id`)  
FROM `poems` p
JOIN `poems_genres` pg
ON  p.`id` = pg.`poem_id`  
WHERE pg.`genre_title` = 'derision' AND p.`status` = 'finished';

If not then according to this article (see the section "How to force the inner query to execute first") wrapping it up in a derived table might help.

 select  `poem_id` from ( SELECT `poem_id`
                  FROM `poems_genres`  
                  WHERE `genre_title` = 'derision') x

) AND `status` = 'finished';


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