首页 \ 问答 \ PHP time()和.htaccess%{TIME}之差(PHP time() and .htaccess %{TIME} difference)

PHP time()和.htaccess%{TIME}之差(PHP time() and .htaccess %{TIME} difference)

我正在使用PHP自动生成.htaccess文件,我需要能够输出RewriteCond语句的时间。 我能够做到这一点,但.htaccess %{TIME}和PHP time()之间似乎存在5小时的差异。 所以,如果我使用PHP生成以下内容:

$time = time();     // Get the current time
$time = $time + 30; // Add 30 seconds
$expires = date("YmdHis", $time); // Convert to .htaccess time format

$htaccess_contents = "RewriteEngine on" . PHP_EOL; 
$htaccess_contents .= "RewriteCond %{TIME} >$expires" . PHP_EOL; // Check time
$htaccess_contents .= "RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://google.com/" // Redirect

file_put_contents( $htaccess_path, $htaccess_contents ); // Overwrite .htaccess

上述方法不起作用,因为PHP输出的时间比.htaccess认为时间早5个小时。 我宁愿不在5小时的差异中进行硬编码。 是否可以输出时间,以便PHP和.htaccess中的时间相同?

I am using PHP to auto-generate an .htaccess file, and I need to be able to output the time for a RewriteCond statement. I'm able to do this, but there appears to be a 5-hour difference between .htaccess %{TIME} and PHP time(). So if I use PHP to generate the following:

$time = time();     // Get the current time
$time = $time + 30; // Add 30 seconds
$expires = date("YmdHis", $time); // Convert to .htaccess time format

$htaccess_contents = "RewriteEngine on" . PHP_EOL; 
$htaccess_contents .= "RewriteCond %{TIME} >$expires" . PHP_EOL; // Check time
$htaccess_contents .= "RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://google.com/" // Redirect

file_put_contents( $htaccess_path, $htaccess_contents ); // Overwrite .htaccess

The above doesn't work because the time that PHP outputs is 5 hours ahead of what .htaccess thinks the time is. I would prefer not to hardcode in the 5 hour difference. Is it possible to output the time so that times in PHP and .htaccess will be the same?

更新时间:2021-10-17 15:10


我找到了问题的解决方案。 使用PIL包时,在安装过程中无法正确编译。 之后我有一个依赖问题。 我用以下方式修复它:

import PIL.EpsImagePlugin
PIL.EpsImagePlugin.Ghostscript = mioGhostscript


"- >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"

代码是shell的代码,它在我的系统上不起作用,因为python试图读取一个字面名为- >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ,它不存在。


"- >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"




def mioGhostscript(tile, size, fp):
    """Render an image using Ghostscript (Unix only)"""

    # Unpack decoder tile
    decoder, tile, offset, data = tile[0]
    length, bbox = data

    import tempfile, os

    file = tempfile.mktemp()

    # Build ghostscript command
    command = ["gs",
        "-q",                    # quite mode
        "-g%dx%d" % size,        # set output geometry (pixels)
        "-dNOPAUSE -dSAFER",     # don't pause between pages, safe mode
        "-sDEVICE=ppmraw",       # ppm driver
        "-sOutputFile=%s" % file,# output file

    #command = shlex.split(string.join(command))
    # push data through ghostscript

        #gs = os.popen(command, "w")

        args = command#['gs','-dSAFER','-dNOPAUSE','-dBATCH','-sDEVICE=jpeg','-sOutputFile=/home/user/output2.jpg /home/user/downloads/test.pdf']
        gs = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT, stdin=PIPE )
        # adjust for image origin
        if bbox[0] != 0 or bbox[1] != 0:
            #gs.write("%d %d translate\n" % (-bbox[0], -bbox[1]))
            gs.stdin.write("%d %d translate\n" % (-bbox[0], -bbox[1]))
        while length > 0:
            s = fp.read(8192)
            if not s:
            length = length - len(s)
        status = gs.stdin.close()
        #status = gs.close()
        #if status:
        #   raise IOError("gs failed (status %d)" % status)
        im = Image.core.open_ppm(file)
        try: os.unlink(file)
        except: pass

    return im

import PIL.EpsImagePlugin
PIL.EpsImagePlugin.Ghostscript = mioGhostscript


I found the solution at the problem. It was with the PIL package, something didn't compile right during the installation. After that i had a dependencies problem. I fixed it in the following way:

import PIL.EpsImagePlugin
PIL.EpsImagePlugin.Ghostscript = mioGhostscript

Then I saw this in the command:

"- >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"

the code is a shell's code and it didn't work on my system because python tried to read a file literally named - >/dev/null 2>/dev/null and it doesn't exist.

I replaced

"- >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"



and the program now read from the stdin.

The final code is:

def mioGhostscript(tile, size, fp):
    """Render an image using Ghostscript (Unix only)"""

    # Unpack decoder tile
    decoder, tile, offset, data = tile[0]
    length, bbox = data

    import tempfile, os

    file = tempfile.mktemp()

    # Build ghostscript command
    command = ["gs",
        "-q",                    # quite mode
        "-g%dx%d" % size,        # set output geometry (pixels)
        "-dNOPAUSE -dSAFER",     # don't pause between pages, safe mode
        "-sDEVICE=ppmraw",       # ppm driver
        "-sOutputFile=%s" % file,# output file

    #command = shlex.split(string.join(command))
    # push data through ghostscript

        #gs = os.popen(command, "w")

        args = command#['gs','-dSAFER','-dNOPAUSE','-dBATCH','-sDEVICE=jpeg','-sOutputFile=/home/user/output2.jpg /home/user/downloads/test.pdf']
        gs = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT, stdin=PIPE )
        # adjust for image origin
        if bbox[0] != 0 or bbox[1] != 0:
            #gs.write("%d %d translate\n" % (-bbox[0], -bbox[1]))
            gs.stdin.write("%d %d translate\n" % (-bbox[0], -bbox[1]))
        while length > 0:
            s = fp.read(8192)
            if not s:
            length = length - len(s)
        status = gs.stdin.close()
        #status = gs.close()
        #if status:
        #   raise IOError("gs failed (status %d)" % status)
        im = Image.core.open_ppm(file)
        try: os.unlink(file)
        except: pass

    return im

import PIL.EpsImagePlugin
PIL.EpsImagePlugin.Ghostscript = mioGhostscript

I hope this posts can help someone.


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