首页 \ 问答 \ 在目录中查找最新文件,然后选择具有相同DateTime的所有文件(Find newest file in directory, then select all files with same DateTime)

在目录中查找最新文件,然后选择具有相同DateTime的所有文件(Find newest file in directory, then select all files with same DateTime)


gci C:\temp | sort LastWriteTime -descending | select -first 1

我的目录相当大,包含60'000 + txt文件。 运行此命令需要:

PS C:\xy> measure-command {gci C:\temp | sort LastWriteTime -descending | select -first 1}

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 0
Seconds           : 13
Milliseconds      : 465
Ticks             : 134657703
TotalDays         : 0.000155853822916667
TotalHours        : 0.00374049175
TotalMinutes      : 0.224429505
TotalSeconds      : 13.4657703
TotalMilliseconds : 13465.7703




$file = gci C:\temp -OutVariable files | sort LastWriteTime -descending | 
        select -first 1 | % { $_.LastWriteTime }
$myfiles = $files | ? {$_.LastWriteTime -like $file}

当我比较找到LastWriteTime的$file和应该包含具有相同LastWriteTime的所有文件的$myfiles$myfiles总是只包含一个文件 - 这是因为每个对象的秒数不同:

PS C:\xy> $file

Montag, 21. November 2016 13:10:08


With this command, I can search for the newest file in a directory:

gci C:\temp | sort LastWriteTime -descending | select -first 1

My directory is rather large, containing 60'000+ txt files. Running this command takes:

PS C:\xy> measure-command {gci C:\temp | sort LastWriteTime -descending | select -first 1}

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 0
Seconds           : 13
Milliseconds      : 465
Ticks             : 134657703
TotalDays         : 0.000155853822916667
TotalHours        : 0.00374049175
TotalMinutes      : 0.224429505
TotalSeconds      : 13.4657703
TotalMilliseconds : 13465.7703

As you can see, this command takes a long time to finish.

My task is to get all the files which have the same LastWriteTime Property as the file which the command returns (to the minute).

I tried something like this:

$file = gci C:\temp -OutVariable files | sort LastWriteTime -descending | 
        select -first 1 | % { $_.LastWriteTime }
$myfiles = $files | ? {$_.LastWriteTime -like $file}

when I compare $file which is the found LastWriteTime, and $myfiles which should contain all files with the same LastWriteTime, $myfiles always includes only one file - this is because the seconds are different for each object:

PS C:\xy> $file

Montag, 21. November 2016 13:10:08

How can I find the files I need by comparing their lastwritetime properties?

更新时间:2022-02-01 12:02


如果要使用完全相同的配置实例(类Props),可以将其实例绑定为具有提供程序绑定单例 。 这当然不是唯一的解决方案,但对我来说这是有道理的。



public class PropsProvider implements Provider<Props>
    public Props get()
        ...read and return Props here...




public Connection(Props props) {
    this.props = props;



  • 有状态对象,例如配置或计数器
  • 构造或查找昂贵的对象
  • 占用资源的对象,例如数据库连接池。

也许您的配置对象与第一个和第二个条件匹配。 我会避免从模块中读取配置。 在这看到原因。




class SomeComponent
    Dependency dep;

    void doWork()
        //use dep here


public class SomeComponentTest
    private Dependency mockDependency;

    private SomeComponent componentToTest;

    public void setUp() throws Exception
        componentToTest = new SomeComponent();

        Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractNamingModule()
            protected void configure()


    public void test()
         //test the component and/or proper interaction with the dependency


If you want to use the very same configuration instance (of class Props) you could bind its instance as a singleton with a provider binding. This is of course not the only solution, but it makes sense for me.

Here is an example:

Define a provider:

public class PropsProvider implements Provider<Props>
    public Props get()
        ...read and return Props here...

Use a provider binding in singleton scope:


Inject your configuration:

public Connection(Props props) {
    this.props = props;

You may read in the documentation:

Singletons are most useful for:

  • stateful objects, such as configuration or counters
  • objects that are expensive to construct or lookup
  • objects that tie up resources, such as a database connection pool.

Maybe your configuration object matches the first and the second criteria. I would avoid reading the configuration from within the module. See why here.

I've used on-demand injection in a few unit test cases where I wanted to inject mock dependencies in the component under test and field injection was used (that's why I try to avoid field injections :-) ) AND I preferred not to use InjectMocks for certain reasons.

Here is a sample:


class SomeComponent
    Dependency dep;

    void doWork()
        //use dep here

The test itself:

public class SomeComponentTest
    private Dependency mockDependency;

    private SomeComponent componentToTest;

    public void setUp() throws Exception
        componentToTest = new SomeComponent();

        Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractNamingModule()
            protected void configure()


    public void test()
         //test the component and/or proper interaction with the dependency



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