首页 \ 问答 \ 计算MySql中的百分比(Calculate Percentage in MySql)

计算MySql中的百分比(Calculate Percentage in MySql)


Item_Category : It gives the item name
Item_Amount : It gives the sum of the particular item


select Item_Category,
      (SUM(Item_Amount)/100000) as Total,
      quarter(Invoice_date) as Quarter,
      year(Invoice_date) as Year 
from `cmpsldata` 
where Site='BDD1' 
      and Item_code LIKE 'FG%' 
      and Invoice_type='Excise'    
group by Year,Item_Category,Quarter 
order by Total desc

Table : 
| Item_Category | Total | Quarter | Year |
| Product A     | 78.65 | 1       | 2015 |
| Product B     | 65.54 | 1       | 2015 |
| Product C     | 45.78 | 1       | 2015 |


I want to calculate percentage on basis on amount for a particular product for my table.I want to add percentage column on basis of the calculation according to the following table.The table column are :

Item_Category : It gives the item name
Item_Amount : It gives the sum of the particular item

The query which i have used is :

select Item_Category,
      (SUM(Item_Amount)/100000) as Total,
      quarter(Invoice_date) as Quarter,
      year(Invoice_date) as Year 
from `cmpsldata` 
where Site='BDD1' 
      and Item_code LIKE 'FG%' 
      and Invoice_type='Excise'    
group by Year,Item_Category,Quarter 
order by Total desc

Table : 
| Item_Category | Total | Quarter | Year |
| Product A     | 78.65 | 1       | 2015 |
| Product B     | 65.54 | 1       | 2015 |
| Product C     | 45.78 | 1       | 2015 |

This is the current table now i need to add 1 more column which gives me percentage calculation of the Product A, B , C(individually).

更新时间:2022-07-08 14:07


它与最后4项不匹配,因为项目在控制器之前不包含\。 你的正则表达式要求他们拥有它,因此不符合它。 答案是使用?使初始斜杠可选? (= 0或1次出现),如下:


在旁注中,您确定控制器没有具体名称吗? 即。 一个名为“Controller”的控制器也会匹配你的正则表达式。 要禁止(并且只允许[某些]控制器),您可以将第二个。*更改为。+(因此从0或更多匹配更改为1个或多个匹配)。 像这样:


和你的方法一样(get | post | etc.):


It isn't matching the last 4 items because the items do not contain a \ before the controller. Your regexp requires them to have it, and as such does not match it. The answer is to make the initial slash optional by using a ? (=0 or 1 occurrence), like so:


On a sidenote, are you sure that a Controller have no specific name? ie. a controller just called "Controller" will match your regexp as well. To disallow that (and only allow [something]Controller) you can change the 2nd .* to .+ (so from 0 or more matches to 1 or more matches). Like so:


And the same thing for your method (get|post|etc.):



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