首页 \ 问答 \ 如何在我的项目中实现Grairo的Shiro安全性(how to implement Shiro Security of Grails in my Project)

如何在我的项目中实现Grairo的Shiro安全性(how to implement Shiro Security of Grails in my Project)

我是Grails的新手并使用了一些Shiro安全性。 我创建了一个带登录页面的小站点,如果登录成功,它会将我重定向到另一个登录页面。

现在我想实施Shiro Security。 我在新的Grails项目上运行了该插件和Shiro的快速启动应用程序。

我想要实现的是如何使用快速启动文件和代码在我自己的页面上实现我的安全性。 请指导。 一点。 我应该从快速入门使用哪些文件以及我应该做出哪些改变。 ?


i m new to Grails and using some Shiro security. I have made a little site with login page and if login successful it redirects me to another loggedin page.

now i want to implement Shiro Security. I have run that plugin and quick start app of Shiro on new Grails Project.

what i want to achieve is that how can i implement my security on my own pages using the Quick Start Files and code. Please guide. a little. which files should i use from that quick start and what changing should i made. ?

waiting for some positive response :)

更新时间:2023-06-15 10:06


您已经使用了fixed版面widthheight的按钮,并且还使用了fixed版面margins 。 固定值导致问题,因为Nexus FiveNexus One方案不同。


您可以使用属性为android:weightSum LinearLayout ,并使用android:layout_weight作为按钮而不是固定的widthheight

You have used fixed layout width and height for buttons and also used fixed layout margins. Fixed values causes the problem because the resolution of Nexus Five and Nexus One are different.


You can use LinearLayout with attribute android:weightSum and use android:layout_weight to buttons instead of fixed width and height.


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