首页 \ 问答 \ 以编程方式在pytest插件中注册fixture(Programmaticly register a fixture in a pytest plugin)

以编程方式在pytest插件中注册fixture(Programmaticly register a fixture in a pytest plugin)

我正在寻找一种方法从Python运行一些pytest单元测试并动态注册pytest fixture。 正如Pytest文档中所解释的,当以编程方式运行测试时, 可以使用自定义插件更改其行为 。 我有以下设置

validation.py (包含要运行的测试)

def test_valid(new_fixture):
    assert new_fixture > 0


import pytest

new_fixture_value = 36

class FixtureRegPlugin(object):
    def pytest_sessionstart(self):
        print('Test session start')

        def new_fixture():
            return new_fixture_value

pytest.main(['-sv', './validation.py'], plugins=[FixtureRegPlugin()])

这里我们使用自定义插件在validation.py运行测试,该插件为pytest_sessionstart注册了一个钩子。 这个钩子在测试会话开始时执行,我可以按预期看到打印输出。 但是, new_fixture未注册,因此测试失败并显示“找不到夹具”错误。


I am looking for a way run some pytest unit tests from Python and register a pytest fixture dynamically. As explained in in the Pytest documentation, when running tests programmatically their behaviour can be altered with a custom plugin. I have the following setup

validation.py (contains the tests to run)

def test_valid(new_fixture):
    assert new_fixture > 0

which is launched with,

import pytest

new_fixture_value = 36

class FixtureRegPlugin(object):
    def pytest_sessionstart(self):
        print('Test session start')

        def new_fixture():
            return new_fixture_value

pytest.main(['-sv', './validation.py'], plugins=[FixtureRegPlugin()])

here we run tests in validation.py with a custom plugin that registers a hook for pytest_sessionstart. This hook is executed at the begining of the test session, and I can see the printed output as expected. However, the new_fixture is not registered, and so the test fails with a "fixture not found" error.

The goal is to modify the result of the fixture at runtime and so I cannot just place its definition inside validation.py.

更新时间:2022-04-27 15:04


所有我发现接近产生这样一个库的是这个博客: 使用LINQ to SQL批量更新和删除


编辑:关于GetDeleteBatchCommand的评论。 它在源代码中。 这是一个代码:

private static DbCommand GetDeleteBatchCommand<TEntity>(this Table<TEntity> table, IQueryable<TEntity> entities) where TEntity : class
        var deleteCommand = table.Context.GetCommand(entities);
        deleteCommand.CommandText = string.Format("DELETE {0}\r\n", table.GetDbName()) + GetBatchJoinQuery<TEntity>(table, entities);
        return deleteCommand;


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