solr multicore

2019-03-27 01:02|来源: 网路



1》找到solr下载包中的example文件夹,在它的下面有个multicore文件夹,将这个文件夹下面的所有东西copy到 c:"solr-tomcat"solr下面。
注意:有一个 solr.xml(这只是默认文件,当然也可以指定别的文件),如:

Xml代码 复制代码
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>     
  2.     <solr persistent="false">       
  3.       <cores adminPath="/admin/cores">     
  4.         <core name="core0" instanceDir="core0" />     
  5.         <core name="core1" instanceDir="core1" />     
  6.       </cores>     
  7.     </solr>    
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>   	<solr persistent="false">     	  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores">   	    <core name="core0" instanceDir="core0" />   	    <core name="core1" instanceDir="core1" />   	  </cores>   	</solr>  

这个文件是告诉solr应该加载哪些core,cores里有 core0,core1。core0(可以类比以前的solr.home)/conf目录下有schema.xml与solrconfig.xml,可以把实际应用的复制过来。现示例就用官方的了。

2》启动tomcat,访问应用,就可以看到有 Admin core0 和 Admin core1 http://localhost:8080/solr/


Xml代码 复制代码
  1. <core name="core0" instanceDir="core0">  
  2.     <property name="dataDir" value="/data/core0" />  
  3.  </core>  
<core name="core0" instanceDir="core0">     <property name="dataDir" value="/data/core0" />  </core>

给core添加子元素 property,property的两个属性就不说了,一看就能明白! -- The core's name as defined in solr.xml
solr.core.instanceDir -- The core's instance directory (i.e. the directory under which that core's conf/ and data/ directory are located)
solr.core.dataDir -- The core's data directory (i.e. the directory under which that core's index directory are located)
solr.core.configName -- The name of the core's config file (solrconfig.xml by default)
solr.core.schemaName -- The name of the core's schema file (schema.xml by default)

4》 solr.xml具体含义:
1) solr
The < solr> tag accepts two attributes:
persistent - By default, should runtime core manipulation be saved in solr.xml so that it is available after a restart.
sharedLib - Path to a directory containing .jar files that are added to the classpath of every core. The path is relative to solr.home (where solr.xml sits)
The <cores> tag accepts two attribute:
adminPath - Relative path to access the CoreAdminHandler for dynamic core manipulation. For example, adminPath="/admin/cores" configures access via  http://localhost:8983/ solr/admin/cores. If this attribute is not specified, dynamic manipulation is unavailable.
The <core> tag accepts two attributes:
name - The registered core name. This will be how the core is accessed.
instanceDir - The solr.home directory for a given core.
dataDir - The data directory for a given core. The default is <instanceDir>/data . It can take an absolute path or a relative path w.r.t instanceDir .  Solr1.4
The <property> tag accepts two attributes:
name - The name of the property
value - The value of the property


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