
2019-03-27 01:09|来源: 网路


1 February 2014 - Apache Mahout 0.9 released

Apache Mahout has reached version 0.9. All developers are encouraged to begin using version 0.9. Highlights include:

    New and improved Mahout website based on Apache CMS - MAHOUT-1245
    Early implementation of a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) classifier - MAHOUT-1265
    Scala DSL Bindings for Mahout Math Linear Algebra. See this blogpost and MAHOUT-1297
    Recommenders as Search. See [] and MAHOUT-1288
    Support for easy functional Matrix views and derivatives - MAHOUT-1300
    JSON output format for ClusterDumper - MAHOUT-1343
    Enabled randomised testing for all Mahout modules using Carrot RandomizedRunner - MAHOUT-1345
    Online Algorithm for computing accurate Quantiles using 1-dimensional Clustering - See this pdf and MAHOUT-1361
    Upgrade to Lucene 4.6.1 - MAHOUT-1364

Changes in 0.9 are detailed in the release notes.

The following algorithms that were marked deprecated in 0.8 have been removed in 0.9:

    Switched LDA implementation from Gibbs Sampling to Collapsed Variational Bayes
    Meanshift - removed due to lack of actual usage and support
    MinHash - removed due to lack of actual usage and support
    Winnow - removed due to lack of actual usage and support
    Perceptron - removed due to lack of actual usage and support
 Slope One - removed due to lack of actual usage
    Distributed Pseudo recommender - removed due to lack of actual usage
    TreeClusteringRecommender - removed due to lack of actual usage




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