科技英语翻译480句 (四) 条件

2019-03-02 23:54|来源: 网路




161. To the extent that it is real, the interaction with the lower boundary seems a good candidate to explain the high persistence of the system.




162. Two fronts will exist if we have three air masses, a coal, a warm,and a cold, moving from west to east one after another.




163. If the input file exists, then we must create a new output file.




164. (According to the weather report, the typhoon will pass over the region)If so, the drought will be relieved.




165. If the moon were, for instance, over the site of Miami, there would be a tidal bulge there and also on near the west coast of Australia.




166. If the earth's axis did not tilt, there would be no seasonal change on it.




167. Were there no such superior laws, physics would be impossible as an exact secence over any sufficiently long period.




168. If this situation should occur, the fram would become unusable.




169. Should the current be cut, the coil would return to its original position.




170. Had Franklin known what we know about lightning in those days, he probably would not have undertaken such a dangerous experiment.




171. If we had not taken necessary precautions, the typhoon would have inflicted heavier damages.




172. If it were not for the modern equipment, such experiments would not be performed.




173. With the equipment the experiment would be readily conducted.




174. Water vapor is lighter, which would otherwise not rise into air.




175. Since this frame of reference-the earth –is rotating, motions that would be straight in a stationary frame of reference appear curved to the observer on earth.


由于参照系—地球—是旋转的,所以在静止参照系中应是呈直线运动,在地球上的观测者 看来就成为曲线运动。


176. This is clearly not the case, if it were true, prediction of the tides could have been done for centuries.




177. Provided we make on further assumption, the Copernican principle leads to a rather similar universe model.




178. Computers can yield accurate results providing that they are fed with reliable information to start with.




179. Orchard without precaution will suffer heavy loss in case cold wave occyrs.




180. For instance, suppose the operator received one Fortran job, one Cobol job and another Fortran job.




181. There is no change in the motion of a body unless a resultant force is acting upon it.




182. In so far as linear motion is concerned, a body is in equilibrium if the vector sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.




183. Thus, Fig. 5 is similar to Fig. 4b insofar as the same recombination and filters have been applied to both.




184. Atmospheric research is often both basic, in sense that it concerns the fundamental understanding of atmospheric processes, and applied, in the sense that it is directly useful.




185. As far as we know, the problem has not been attacked at home and abroad.




186. As long as the counter is positive, contral is returned to the user program.




187. Be it that the temperature is beyond the rang (e.g. 32o to 41oF as the minimum cardinal temperature for wheat) the crop will be checked from growing.




188. On the assumption that speed is kept constant, distance increases with time.




189. The computers available can meet the needs except that data are sent in bulk.




190. With favorable light and moisture conditions a plant grows at greatest rapidity if there is the optimum temperature for it.




191. Without reliable data, prediction has no foundation.




192. Sheets of newly formed sea ice break into pieces under stress of wind and waves.




193. The annual total rainfall of 300 mm seems somewhat low for the region at these latitude.




194. Depending upon our job scheduler we would make both 6K jobs wait or run one of them in the 10K region.




195. Given wind speed, duration, and fetch, it is possible to predict the size of the waves generated by a given storm.




196. Other things being equal, the evapotranspiration rate decreases with increasing humidity.




197. Such being the case, the understanding of nature would be greatly improved.




198. T will represent temperature alone in this book unless otherwise stated.




199. Unless destroy or influenced in some way by ocean boundaries, waves continue to travel for long distances in the direction that the wind was blowing when they formed.




200. Combined with extremely high waves generated by the storm, hurricanes surges can be highly destructive.






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