




The Development Future of Dry Magnetic Separator

2019-03-02 23:52|来源: 网路

With the outbreak and spread of the global financial crisis in 2008, the global economic situation continued to be volatile, and many European countries are involved in the deep crisis of sovereign debt in 2011, however, while the last quarter of 2012 also indicates that the future economic situation does not seem to clear, house prices fall, mateirals prices rise, the export situation is grim intensified.
Everything has two sides, there are challenges inherent with opportunities, can seize the opportunity and get well prepared, must be able to turn things around, as the saying goes, the sun after the storm, it is true. The magnetic separator enterprises Gairuhezou this haze?
2008 melamine incident has repercussions, poisoning broke out recently, the National People fear more than identify a chemical terms - chromium, a highly toxic heavy metal, has a carcinogenic and may induce gene mutation. Who can not think of holding their own life-saving money to buy "toxic" terrible, how confusing? Tainted milk, cooking oil, toxic, time and time again the triangular relationship of the regulatory, corporate, moral put on the front desk, regulatory emphasis on morality or moral, more important than regulation. Corporate existence of what is for what, for profit or to shoulder social responsibility? Happen once the food, pharmaceutical and environmental disaster, the the seemingly tangled problem re-surfaced.
First, companies must continue development, insist on going out. As the saying goes, He who does not advance loses ground ,forward is to abandon the short-sighted thinking, get rid of the quick success mentality. The era of development characterized by the development of globalization, which requires companies to continue to progress, leading technology products, companies have credibility and good reputation. Imagine, If a separator enterprises with poor management, the production process is not scientific, research and development with the times, international cooperation is no vision, then enter the international market can be described as a fairy tale. If you shut the door, maybe our day-to-day has been full of loopholes, full of holes, will never get perfect, then we can only drink alone cup brewed bitter, gives an opportunity finally to the cliff.

Secondly, take the good faith as basis, adhere to the corporate ethics.The state-owned has the land law, the home has family rules, indeed , but rely on legislation to address the social bottom line is always fur enterprise only to form their own "business ethics", and the formation of the corresponding corporate culture, it may become the last laugh. Finally, the training of personnel is essential for enterprises. Talent for a country, is a valuable asset to any time indispensable. Only those with good scientific and technological innovation-oriented talents, magnetic separator enterprises can be able to bear a variety of adverse environmental impact, keeping innovation, maintain technology leadership .

Cement equipment : http://www.crusher-export.com/cement-line.html
bucket hoist : http://www.crusher-export.com/Bucket-elevator.html

cement making plant : http://www.ore-mills.com/cement-line.html
China cone crusher : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/Cone-crusher.html



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