首页 \ 问答 \ 是否有一个可以重载的groovy逻辑非运算符(如unaryNot ..)(is there a groovy logical not operator (like unaryNot..) that can be overloaded)

是否有一个可以重载的groovy逻辑非运算符(如unaryNot ..)(is there a groovy logical not operator (like unaryNot..) that can be overloaded)


Rule a = new Rule()
a<< {false }  //overloaded evaluate internal closure 

println !a // expect to get true - but you always get false

我无法找到groovy逻辑'not'运算符是什么。 如果我打电话给'!a'我总是假的,因为我认为编译器正在使用'a'的常设真理是'真'所以'!''将是假的。


我怎么做 ?

PS - 扩展 - 这里是我的规则类的虚拟模拟视图 - 删除了所有修剪 - 这可以在脚本中运行

class Rule {
    Closure  evaluate
    def leftShift (closure ) {
        this.evaluate = closure


def r = new Rule ()
r << {false}

println "logical not of rule : " + !r
println " rule evaluate  : " + !r.evaluate ()

r << {true}
println "logical not of rule : " + !r
println " rule evaluate  : " + !r.evaluate ()

I have a Rule class in groovy and i can overload <<, and, or for class instance but if i want to write

Rule a = new Rule()
a<< {false }  //overloaded evaluate internal closure 

println !a // expect to get true - but you always get false

i cant find what the groovy logical 'not' operator is. If i call '!a' i always get false as i think that compiler is using groovy truth of 'a' is 'true' so '!a' would be false.

but i want the '!a' to mean '!(a.evaluate())' for this class

how do i do that ?

PS - extended - here is dummy mocked up view of my Rule class - all trimmings removed - this is runnable in a script

class Rule {
    Closure  evaluate
    def leftShift (closure ) {
        this.evaluate = closure


def r = new Rule ()
r << {false}

println "logical not of rule : " + !r
println " rule evaluate  : " + !r.evaluate ()

r << {true}
println "logical not of rule : " + !r
println " rule evaluate  : " + !r.evaluate ()

更新时间:2023-02-25 15:02


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