首页 \ 问答 \ 如何阻止bash for循环执行空列表(How to stop a bash for loop from executing for an empty list)

如何阻止bash for循环执行空列表(How to stop a bash for loop from executing for an empty list)




# Use globbing to grab list of files
for x in $1/*.txt; do
 f=$(basename $x)
 todos $x
 echo "Moving $x to $DESTINATION/$f"
 mv $x $DESTINATION/$f

一个非常简单的问题 - 当没有要移动的txt文件时,如何停止循环执行?

I am using a simple bash script to read files from an FTP server, convert to dos format and then move to another folder:



# Use globbing to grab list of files
for x in $1/*.txt; do
 f=$(basename $x)
 todos $x
 echo "Moving $x to $DESTINATION/$f"
 mv $x $DESTINATION/$f

A really simple question - how do I stop the loop executing when there are no txt files to be moved?

更新时间:2023-06-25 11:06


您的一个参数与列名称相同:AGENCYNO。 由于范围界定的方式,这评估为1=1 。 这就是为什么提供参数唯一名称的好习惯,例如通过在p_前加上它们。


AND c.PERIODE = p_period AND c.AGENCYNO = p_agencyNo

返回所需的一行。 严格来说,您不需要将period名称更改为p_period因为它已经与periode区分开来。 但一致性是软件工程的一个优点。

One of your parameters has the same name as the column: AGENCYNO. Because of the way scoping works this evaluates to 1=1. This is why it is good practice to give parameters unique names, for example by prepending them with p_.

You should find that

AND c.PERIODE = p_period AND c.AGENCYNO = p_agencyNo

returns the desired one row. Strictly speaking you don't need to change the name of period to p_period because it is already distinguished from periode. But consistency is a virtue in software engineering.


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