首页 \ 问答 \ 用最新日期提取文件(Extracting Files with newest date)

用最新日期提取文件(Extracting Files with newest date)


问题是我只需要最新的。 当前日期应该确定最新的XML文件。 例如今天:2017年4月20日


@echo off&pushd \\server5\Datapool
for /f %%a in ('dir /b ^| find ".xml"') do for /f %%A in ('type %%a ^| find /I "Marc" ^| find /I "BENZ231"') do copy %%a C:\Users\folder1



I'am trying to extract specified XML Data from one folder to another.

The problem is I only need the newest ones. The current date should determine the newest XML files. For example today: 04/20/2017

My scirpt as follows:

@echo off&pushd \\server5\Datapool
for /f %%a in ('dir /b ^| find ".xml"') do for /f %%A in ('type %%a ^| find /I "Marc" ^| find /I "BENZ231"') do copy %%a C:\Users\folder1

So my goal is to extract the newest XML files into another folder only if "Marc" + "BENZ231" match.

btw: both strings "marc" and "benz231"are on the same line.

更新时间:2023-12-21 18:12


我第一次尝试使用dojo构建时遇到了这个问题。 它与文件的字符编码有关。 查看解压缩版本的字符编码(非源代码)。 将其与未构建源中的文件的字符编码进行比较,文件的编码是自定义构建。 要查看这是否是一个问题,(在chrome中)您可以强制浏览器以给定的编码呈现内容。 您可以尝试这样做,看看它是否真的是您遇到的问题。


<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/dojo" charset="UTF-8"></script>

Dojo有 编码值得一看。

如果您在构建中使用shrinksafe ,您可能还需要在那里指定编码:

java -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 shrinksafe.jar

I encountered this issue when first trying to use the dojo build. It has to do with the character encoding of the files. Check out the character encoding of an unzipped release (non source). Compare that to the character encoding of files in unbuilt source, and the encoding of files are a custom build. To see if this is an issue, (in chrome) you can force the browser to render the contents in a given encoding. You can try this to see if it is actually the issue you are having.

The easy solution to this (for me at least) was to set the charset on the dojo script tags

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/dojo" charset="UTF-8"></script>

Dojo has a couple of pages on encoding that are worth taking a look at.

If you are using shrinksafe in the build, you may also need to specify the encoding there:

java -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 shrinksafe.jar


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