首页 \ 问答 \ 在桌面浏览器和ipad浏览器上显示不同的网站(Website displaying differently on desktop browser vs ipad browser)

在桌面浏览器和ipad浏览器上显示不同的网站(Website displaying differently on desktop browser vs ipad browser)

我目前正在努力从一开始就改造一个网站,以便与ipad友好。 我注意到它的大小与网站的桌面版本略有不同。 我已经包含了该网站的照片进行比较。

我正在使用<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">但仍然没有。

所有尺寸都以像素宽度或百分比设置。 蓝色侧边栏设置为px,右侧的内容区域是绝对定位的。

桌面屏幕截图: https//drive.google.com/file/d/0B0p4T6XDlqiyVmVnNmNFMDVBV00/edit?usp=sharing

iPad屏幕截图: https//drive.google.com/file/d/0B0p4T6XDlqiyQmVma291dkctV0E/edit?usp=sharing


I am currently working on retrofitting a website from the ground up to be ipad friendly. I'm noticing that its size is slightly off compared to the desktop version of the site. I have included photos of the site for comparison.

I'm using <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> and still nothing.

All sizes are set in pixel width or percentages. The blue sidebar is set in px, the content area to the right is just absolute positioned.

Desktop Screen Cap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0p4T6XDlqiyVmVnNmNFMDVBV00/edit?usp=sharing

iPad Screen Cap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0p4T6XDlqiyQmVma291dkctV0E/edit?usp=sharing

Thanks guys!

更新时间:2022-06-10 10:06



注意:如果多个页面正在侦听onMessage事件,则只有第一个为特定事件调用sendResponse()才能成功发送响应。 对该事件的所有其他响应将被忽略。




有时,持续时间长于单个请求和响应的对话很有用。 在这种情况下,您可以分别使用runtime.connect或tabs.connect,从内容脚本打开一个长期频道到扩展页面,反之亦然。 该通道可以选择具有名称,以便区分不同类型的连接。


I couldn't find any documentation which explains or documents that Option page is also part of the pages

Note: If multiple pages are listening for onMessage events, only the first to call sendResponse() for a particular event will succeed in sending the response. All other responses to that event will be ignored.

But as mentioned in the documentation


Long-lived connections

Sometimes it's useful to have a conversation that lasts longer than a single request and response. In this case, you can open a long-lived channel from your content script to an extension page , or vice versa, using runtime.connect or tabs.connect, respectively . The channel can optionally have a name, allowing you to distinguish between different types of connections.

You should be using connect for your use-case


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