首页 \ 问答 \ Zend_Cache从命令行保存并从浏览器访问(Zend_Cache save from command line and access from browser)

Zend_Cache从命令行保存并从浏览器访问(Zend_Cache save from command line and access from browser)

可能是我这是超级简单,但我不能'弄清楚方式。 我有脚本运行在命令行中使用Zend_Cache保存缓存

$frontendOptions = array(
            'lifetime' => NULL,
            'automatic_serialization' => true

$backendOptions = array(
            'cache_dir' => "/home/tmp/cache"

$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core',
$vars = Array("id1" => "12121", "id2" => "2232");
$cache->save($vars, "p_11");





我用上面的缓存工厂创建了对象。 所有参数与上面相同。 但是,当我尝试加载缓存p_11时,我没有从命令行设置变量。 什么地方出了错?

May be I am this is super-easy but I couldnt' figure out way. I have script running in command line which save cache using Zend_Cache

$frontendOptions = array(
            'lifetime' => NULL,
            'automatic_serialization' => true

$backendOptions = array(
            'cache_dir' => "/home/tmp/cache"

$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core',
$vars = Array("id1" => "12121", "id2" => "2232");
$cache->save($vars, "p_11");

I can access saved cache from command line:


In above both case, I have app.php file that run in command line using php-cli.

Now, I want to access p_11 cache using browser something like http://mytestserve.lan/test_cache.php

I have create object with cache factory like above. All the parameters are same as above. However when I try to load cache p_11, i do not variables set from command line. What went wrong?

更新时间:2022-01-31 22:01


为了解决调试问题,而不是在框架中进行基于步骤的调试,在Django社区中更好的是提供单元测试。 如果你正在构建一个模块, Django提供了测试应用程序的工具 。 对于逐步调试,您可能需要一个IDE来处理它:AFAIK Django不提供这种功能。

To address debugging, instead of step-based debugging in the framework itself it is more preferable in the Django community to provide unit tests. If you are building a module, Django provides facilities to test applications. For step-through debugging you may need an IDE to handle it: AFAIK Django doesn't provide a facility to do that.


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