首页 \ 问答 \ 在网页上运行SQL和Python(Running SQL and Python on a webpage)

在网页上运行SQL和Python(Running SQL and Python on a webpage)

我在Spider中编写了一些Python代码。 在我的代码中,我使用sql命令从ssms中提取数据,然后使用Python来操纵它们。 现在我想在网页或其他在线来源上实施我的代码,以便其他人可以运行它们。 怎么可能? 任何想法将不胜感激:)谢谢!


just a general question.
I have written some Python codes in Spider. In my code, I use sql command to pull data from ssms then use Python to manipulate them. Now I want to implement my codes on a webpage or other online sources so other can run them. How would be possible? Any thought would be appreciate :) Thanks!

P.S I'm a PC user not MAC

更新时间:2023-01-24 09:01


Angular JS文档说:

当Angular启动您的应用程序时,它使用编译器从模板解析并处理此新标记。 加载,转换和渲染的DOM基本上是视图







Angular JS documentation says:

When Angular starts your application, it parses and processes this new markup from the template using the compiler. The loaded, transformed and rendered DOM is basically the view

Here a template means:

HTML code that contains Angular specific attributes.

For more information on how AngularJs works and what it can do, please read the documentation provided:


There is an in-depth tutorial which provide more information on it.

I hope this could help you get started with it :)


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  • 使用CDN来传递像angular或jquery这样的常用库,你可以避免自己构建它时可能遇到的麻烦。 如果您没有具体的理由和优势,那么CDN是一个很好的方法。 一些主要的图书馆在谷歌提供的非常可靠的服务器上免费托管在CDN上: https://developers.google.com/speed/libraries/ 您只需将代码库包含在代码中即可: