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在python中排序列表(sorting a list in python)

我正在尝试对列表中的列表进行排序:每个列表包含[seq1,seq2,score] ,我想根据(seq1,seq2)的得分从最高得分到最低得分对列表L进行排序,然后每个列表根据得分对每个(seq1,seq2)进行排名

L=[ ['AA', 'CG', 0],['AA', 'AA', 4], ['CG', '--', -1]]


L=[['AA', 'AA', 4], ['AA', 'CG', 0], ['CG', '--', -1]]


['AA', 'AA', 4] has rank 1
['AA', 'CG', 0] has rank 2
['CG', '--', -1] has rank 3

我该怎么做? 我试过了:

def getKey():/* to get the score from each list*/
    scorelist=score()/*this is the list L*/
    return scorelist[][2]

def sort_list():
    p=sorted(s, key=getKey)
    return p

I am trying to sort lists on a list : each list contains [seq1,seq2,score] , I want to sort the list L according to the score of (seq1,seq2) from the max score to the minimum score, then each list take a rank to each (seq1,seq2) according to the score

L=[ ['AA', 'CG', 0],['AA', 'AA', 4], ['CG', '--', -1]]

the sorted list must be:

L=[['AA', 'AA', 4], ['AA', 'CG', 0], ['CG', '--', -1]]

for the ranks:

['AA', 'AA', 4] has rank 1
['AA', 'CG', 0] has rank 2
['CG', '--', -1] has rank 3

how can I do it? I tried:

def getKey():/* to get the score from each list*/
    scorelist=score()/*this is the list L*/
    return scorelist[][2]

def sort_list():
    p=sorted(s, key=getKey)
    return p

更新时间:2022-08-21 15:08


查看Chris Coyier关于向三角形添加阴影的文章 。 它可能会帮助您实现这一目标。

Check out Chris Coyier's article on adding shadows to triangles. It might help you get this to work.


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