首页 \ 问答 \ 如何优化和调整hadoop集群性能(How to optimize and tune hadoop cluster performance)

如何优化和调整hadoop集群性能(How to optimize and tune hadoop cluster performance)

我对hadoop集群配置不是很熟悉,最近我将Apache Nutch与Apache Hadoop集成在一起,我已经成功地抓取了在Solr中索引的数据。 我有我的主从来源如下:








                <value>/usr/local/My Project Name/hadoop-datastore</value> 
                <description>store data</description> 

                <description>the name of default file system</description> 


    <description>host and port</description> 






            <description>default block</description> 


这是我的conf / masters:


最后我的conf / slaves:



19031 TaskTracker
18644 DataNode
18764 SecondaryNameNode
18884 JobTracker
13226 Jps
18506 NameNode


4969 DataNode
5057 TaskTracker
5592 Jps

当我查看Master Hadoop Map / Reduce管理时,我有以下Cluster Summary:

<h2>Cluster Summary (Heap Size is 114.5 MB/889 MB)</h2>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th>Running Map Tasks</th><th>Running Reduce Tasks</th><th>Total Submissions</th><th>Nodes</th><th>Occupied Map Slots</th><th>Occupied Reduce Slots</th><th>Reserved Map Slots</th><th>Reserved Reduce Slots</th><th>Map Task Capacity</th><th>Reduce Task Capacity</th><th>Avg. Tasks/Node</th><th>Blacklisted Nodes</th><th>Graylisted Nodes</th><th>Excluded Nodes</th></tr>
<tr><td>8</td><td>8</td><td>1607</td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=active">1</a></td><td>8</td><td>8</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>8</td><td>8</td><td>16.00</td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=blacklisted">0</a></td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=graylisted">0</a></td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=excluded">0</a></td></tr></table>

问题是这个程序适用于topN:1000但主机上的负载有高CPU和内存使用但是当我在从机上找到顶部时,cpu和内存都没有负载。 我的意思是cpu和内存使用率都很低,而且cpu idle很高。

我想知道它是否自然而且好不好。 我正在寻找一些解决方案和配置,以便我能够分享所有从站的负载并使程序更快。 非常感谢任何链接,文档和解决方案。

I am not very familiar with hadoop cluster configs and I have recently integrated Apache Nutch with Apache Hadoop and I have crawled data indexed in Solr successfully. I have my master-slave sources as below:

Master: CPU : 4 cores memory :12G hard disk : 37G

Slave1 : CPU : 2 cores memory :4G hard disk : 18G

Slave2: CPU : 2 cores memory :4G hard disk : 16G

Slave3 : CPU : 2 cores memory :4G hard disk : 16G

Slave4 : CPU : 4 cores memory :4G hard disk : 50G

I have configed core-site.xml, mapred-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, masters and slaves.

Here is my core-site.xml :

                <value>/usr/local/My Project Name/hadoop-datastore</value> 
                <description>store data</description> 

                <description>the name of default file system</description> 

Here is my mapred-site.xml :

    <description>host and port</description> 





And here is my hdfs-site.xml:

            <description>default block</description> 


And here is my conf/masters :


And finally my conf/slaves:


This story goes well: When I run master and run the Jps command, I have the folowings on master:

19031 TaskTracker
18644 DataNode
18764 SecondaryNameNode
18884 JobTracker
13226 Jps
18506 NameNode

And when I run the Jps command on all the slaves, I have the followings:

4969 DataNode
5057 TaskTracker
5592 Jps

When I look at Master Hadoop Map/Reduce administration I have the following Cluster Summary:

<h2>Cluster Summary (Heap Size is 114.5 MB/889 MB)</h2>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<tr><th>Running Map Tasks</th><th>Running Reduce Tasks</th><th>Total Submissions</th><th>Nodes</th><th>Occupied Map Slots</th><th>Occupied Reduce Slots</th><th>Reserved Map Slots</th><th>Reserved Reduce Slots</th><th>Map Task Capacity</th><th>Reduce Task Capacity</th><th>Avg. Tasks/Node</th><th>Blacklisted Nodes</th><th>Graylisted Nodes</th><th>Excluded Nodes</th></tr>
<tr><td>8</td><td>8</td><td>1607</td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=active">1</a></td><td>8</td><td>8</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>8</td><td>8</td><td>16.00</td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=blacklisted">0</a></td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=graylisted">0</a></td><td><a href="machines.jsp?type=excluded">0</a></td></tr></table>

The problem is this procedure works fine with topN :1000 but There is load on master with high cpu and memory usage but when I find top on slaves, Neither cpu nor memory has loads. I mean both cpu and memory usage is low and cpu idle is high.

I wonder whether it is natural and OK or not. I am looking for some solutions and configs so that I am able to share the load on all slaves and make the procedure faster. Any links, documentations and solutions are very much appreciated.

更新时间:2021-11-19 10:11



for elements in myList:
    if elements == " ":
        elements = "A"

在这种情况下,您只是为变量elements指定"A" ,而不是修改原始myList

在下面的代码中, myList[i] = "A"将修改myList ,其中ielement的索引,因为enumerate将在您迭代时返回索引和项目。 (将变量名称从elements更改为element以防止混淆)

# my list to iterate through.
myList = ["A", "A", " ", "B", "B", "C", " ", "A", "B"]

# my function to check for conditionals
def checkBook(spots,grade):
    # if spots[0] == grade and spots[1] == grade and spots[2] == grade:
    if spots[0] == spots[1] == spots[2] == grade: # can be simplified to this
        return True
        return False 

# my function to iterate through myList, then calls up the checkBook 
# function to get a return
def compareElements():
    for i,element in enumerate(myList): # index, item
        if element == " ": 
            myList[i] = "A" # modifies myList
            print (checkBook(myList, "A"))

compareElements() # prints True, True
print(myList) # ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'A', 'B']

希望这可以帮助 :)

The error is here:

for elements in myList:
    if elements == " ":
        elements = "A"

In this case, you are only assigning "A" to the variable elements, and not modifying the original myList.

In this code below, myList[i] = "A" will modify myList, where i is the index of element, as enumerate will return the index and the item as you iterate through. (changed the variable name from elements to element to prevent confusion)

# my list to iterate through.
myList = ["A", "A", " ", "B", "B", "C", " ", "A", "B"]

# my function to check for conditionals
def checkBook(spots,grade):
    # if spots[0] == grade and spots[1] == grade and spots[2] == grade:
    if spots[0] == spots[1] == spots[2] == grade: # can be simplified to this
        return True
        return False 

# my function to iterate through myList, then calls up the checkBook 
# function to get a return
def compareElements():
    for i,element in enumerate(myList): # index, item
        if element == " ": 
            myList[i] = "A" # modifies myList
            print (checkBook(myList, "A"))

compareElements() # prints True, True
print(myList) # ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'A', 'B']

Hope this helps :)


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