首页 \ 问答 \ 何时应该在Play框架中返回一个Promise而不是实际的结果?(When should a method return a Promise instead of actual result in Play Framework?)

何时应该在Play框架中返回一个Promise而不是实际的结果?(When should a method return a Promise instead of actual result in Play Framework?)

我对Play Framework相对较新。 我正在开发的当前项目中,有大量Promise由服务层组件返回到控制器。 我想知道这是否是最佳做法。 在我看来,使用Promise真的会让消息来源混乱。 而且我必须频繁地使用final修饰符,以使局部变量,参数和类成员可以访问匿名Function我需要为这些Promise创建Function 。 它甚至会影响我创建单元测试用例的方式。 它感到丑陋诚实,并有太多的代码行数超过必要的。 我甚至不确定我们是否做得对,我觉得我们正在过度使用Promise


那么,我应该什么时候使用Promise ,何时应该返回Promise ,何时不应该使用Promise ? 我们所有的服务和接口都应该返回一个Promise吗? 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点? 请用简单的英语。

I'm relatively new to Play Framework. The current project I'm working on has tons of Promises returned by the service layer components all the way down to controllers. I wonder if that's the best practice. In my opinion, using Promises really clutters up the sources. And I have to make use of final modifiers too frequently just to make local variables, parameters, and class members accessible to anonymous Function I need to create for these Promises. It even affects the way I create my unit test cases. It feels ugly honestly and there's simply too much lines of code than necessary. I'm not even sure if we're doing it right, I feel like we're overusing Promises.

I'm using Java by the way.

So, when should I use a Promise, when should I return a Promise, and when should I not use a Promise? Should all our services and interfaces return a Promise? Is there any better way of doing this? In plain English please.

更新时间:2023-11-12 16:11


应用程序切片目前无法正常工作,直至另行通知。 目前,减少应用规模的唯一方法是减少.ipa中包含的资产数量。

如果它们对您的应用有意义,您可以尝试使用On Demand Resources

Searching app thining, bit code and on demand app resource from yesterday, Now I debug all these things and sharing my knowledge that I got from beautiful apple documentation with help of my sample project.

App thinning concept covers bit code and on-demand resource. I will discuss on-demand resource in detail below:-

On-Demand Resources in iOS:- It is accessing the images/videos/.h/.m/swift file whenever needed (Yes, on-demand resouring include source code files also).

  • Goto Resource tags setting in your target.
  • Create a new Tag. It will appear under Download Only On demand.
  • You can add .h, .m, .xassest, .png etc under various tags. You can also assign tag by selecting individual file like this in file inspector.

Now comes the coding part (my favourite site):-

NSBundleResourceRequest *resourceRequest;

#pragma mark - On demand resource
    NSSet *setOfTag = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"chair", nil];
    resourceRequest = [[NSBundleResourceRequest alloc]initWithTags:setOfTag];

    [resourceRequest conditionallyBeginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL resourcesAvailable) {
        if (!resourcesAvailable) {
//            resourceRequest.loadingPriority = 1;//set the downloading priority (0 - 1) , NSBundleResourceRequestLoadingPriorityUrgent

            [resourceRequest beginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
                if (error) {
                    UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Error" message:error.debugDescription preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
                    [self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];
                    //// The associated resources are loaded
            // The associated resources are available

End accessing the on demand resource when not in use(generally when game level changes)

#pragma mark - Remove access to on demand
    [resourceRequest endAccessingResources];

NOTE:- Don't forgot to enable On_Demand_Resources in build setting.

EXAMPLE PROJECT:- I create a sample project and uploaded here:- [http://www.dropbox.com/s/edi5zj68a4wuguh/WebOnTab.zip?dl=0][6]

Please don't bother about autolayout in this project. My main focus is on demand resourcing/App thing.

SUMMARY:- Thus we can achieve app thinning by on-demand resourcing using above technique. Please also have a look at official documentation which also describes about tracking progress, priorities of resourceRequests(NSBundleResourceRequest).


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