首页 \ 问答 \ 需要一些关于链接列表的帮助;(Need some help with Linked Lists;)

需要一些关于链接列表的帮助;(Need some help with Linked Lists;)



typedef struct node
 struct node* next;
 int val;


这里如果我在初始化node * head时使用两个“node”; 我指的是哪个节点?

2)这里我在struct中使用了一个int val。 如果我使用void *而不是int那么有什么东西会改变吗?


reverse(node* head)
    node* temp = head; or node* temp = *head;     
    //what is the difference between the two



I have a simple question in understanding the pointers and struct definitions in the linked list code.


typedef struct node
 struct node* next;
 int val;


here if I use two "node" when i initialize node *head; which node I am referring to?

2) Here I use an int val in the struct. If I use a void* instead of int is there any thing thats going to change ?

3)Also if I pass to a function

reverse(node* head)
    node* temp = head; or node* temp = *head;     
    //what is the difference between the two

I am sorry if these are silly question I am new to c language.

Thanks & Regards, Brett

更新时间:2021-07-03 09:07


这不应该发生。 我试过你提到的。 请检查链接的href属性,可能是相对路径。

尝试在锚标记中的href属性中提供完整路径( 绝对路径 )。 或者可能有任何重定向规则(htaccess或在php中)阻止它打开弹出窗口上的链接。 谢谢

That should not happen. I tried what you have mentioned. Please check the link's href attributes, may be there is relative path.

Try to provide full path (absolute path) in href attributes in anchor tag. Or there may be any redirection rule (htaccess or in php) that prevents it to open the link on the popup. Thanks


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