首页 \ 问答 \ 而循环不按预期循环(while loop not cycling through as expected)

而循环不按预期循环(while loop not cycling through as expected)


当数据显示在网页上时(在粘贴代码的末尾看到),requested_date(来自$ result_dec查询)正在循环,但memPayout(来自$ emailcompleted查询)不是。 在显示memPayout的地方,它只列出了每个日期的相同数字。

当我在phpmyadmin中运行它时,我看到不同的日期有不同的memPayouts ..所以我知道这里有一个错误。


更新:我已经用我调整过的新代码更新了旧代码。 我试图用最初的foreach包装电子邮件收入查询。 我还删除了不必要的额外bgcolor开关。 我网页上的结果仍然与以前相同。 任何更多的建议真的很感激。

//--------------------- Code for Decline TRANSACTION --------------------------------------
$u_id = $_SESSION['user_ses']['id'];

$result_dec = @mysql_query("(select trv.tr_user_id , usr.full_name ,usr.email , usr.paypal ,  trv.requested_date, trv.requested_status, trv.click_payment_status, trv.tracking_id
from  tbl_trackvalue as trv ,tbl_tracking as t , tbl_offers as off , tblusers as usr
where t.id=trv.tracking_id  and off.id=t.offer_id and  usr.id=trv.tr_user_id and usr.id='1454' 
and trv.payment_status='pending' and trv.requested_status='declined'  group by trv.tr_user_id, trv.requested_date order by trv.requested_date asc )
union all
(select trv.tr_user_id , usr.full_name ,usr.email , usr.paypal , trv.click_request_date, trv.requested_status, trv.click_payment_status, trv.tracking_id
from  tbl_trackvalue as trv ,tbl_tracking as t , tbl_offers as off , tblusers as usr
where t.id=trv.tracking_id  and off.id=t.offer_id and  usr.id=trv.tr_user_id and usr.id='1454' 
and trv.payment_status='pending' and trv.click_payment_status='declined'  group by trv.tr_user_id, trv.click_request_date order by trv.requested_date asc ) ");
    $nr = mysql_num_rows($result_dec);
    $categories_d = array();
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_dec))
            $categories_d[] = $row;

        foreach($categories_d as $index=>$rec)
            if ($counter % 2 == 0)
                    $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
                    $bgcolor = "#F5F7D9";


  $EmailCompletedOffer=@mysql_query("select off.member_amount as memPayout
                        from  tbl_trackvalue as trv ,tbl_tracking as t , tbl_offers as off , tblusers as usr 
                        where t.id=trv.tracking_id  and off.id=t.offer_id and  off.offer_type='mailchimp' and  usr.id=trv.tr_user_id and 
                        trv.tr_user_id=$userId and trv.requested_date='".$requested_date."' and trv.payment_status='pending' and trv.total_conversion !=0 and trv.requested_status='declined' ");

                        <div class="datarow_his">
                            <div class="his_onecol1"><?php echo '$'. $totalEmailEarnAmount1;?> </div>
                            <div class="his_onecol1"> <?php echo "Declined"; ?> </div>
                            <div class="his_onecol2"><?php echo date("M j,Y " ,strtotime($rec['requested_date']));?></div>
                            <!--<div class="his_onecol1"><?php //echo date("M j,Y " ,strtotime($rec['paid_date']));?></div>-->
                        <p><?php echo $totalEmailEarnAmount1?></p>
<?php                    /*}
                    } */



I have a loop that runs through returned rows from a MySQL query and performs commands.

When the data is displayed on the webpage (seen at the end of the pasted code), the requested_date (from the $result_dec query) is cycling through correctly, but the memPayout(from the $emailcompleted query) is not. Where it shows the memPayout it is just listing the same number for each date.

When I run this in phpmyadmin, I see that different dates have different memPayouts..so I know there is a bug here.

I appreciate the help.

UPDATE: I've updated the old code with the new one that I adjusted. I tried to wrap the email earnings query with the original foreach. I also removed the unnecessary extra bgcolor switch. The result on my webpage is still the same as before. Any more advice is really appreciated.

//--------------------- Code for Decline TRANSACTION --------------------------------------
$u_id = $_SESSION['user_ses']['id'];

$result_dec = @mysql_query("(select trv.tr_user_id , usr.full_name ,usr.email , usr.paypal ,  trv.requested_date, trv.requested_status, trv.click_payment_status, trv.tracking_id
from  tbl_trackvalue as trv ,tbl_tracking as t , tbl_offers as off , tblusers as usr
where t.id=trv.tracking_id  and off.id=t.offer_id and  usr.id=trv.tr_user_id and usr.id='1454' 
and trv.payment_status='pending' and trv.requested_status='declined'  group by trv.tr_user_id, trv.requested_date order by trv.requested_date asc )
union all
(select trv.tr_user_id , usr.full_name ,usr.email , usr.paypal , trv.click_request_date, trv.requested_status, trv.click_payment_status, trv.tracking_id
from  tbl_trackvalue as trv ,tbl_tracking as t , tbl_offers as off , tblusers as usr
where t.id=trv.tracking_id  and off.id=t.offer_id and  usr.id=trv.tr_user_id and usr.id='1454' 
and trv.payment_status='pending' and trv.click_payment_status='declined'  group by trv.tr_user_id, trv.click_request_date order by trv.requested_date asc ) ");
    $nr = mysql_num_rows($result_dec);
    $categories_d = array();
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_dec))
            $categories_d[] = $row;

        foreach($categories_d as $index=>$rec)
            if ($counter % 2 == 0)
                    $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
                    $bgcolor = "#F5F7D9";


  $EmailCompletedOffer=@mysql_query("select off.member_amount as memPayout
                        from  tbl_trackvalue as trv ,tbl_tracking as t , tbl_offers as off , tblusers as usr 
                        where t.id=trv.tracking_id  and off.id=t.offer_id and  off.offer_type='mailchimp' and  usr.id=trv.tr_user_id and 
                        trv.tr_user_id=$userId and trv.requested_date='".$requested_date."' and trv.payment_status='pending' and trv.total_conversion !=0 and trv.requested_status='declined' ");

                        <div class="datarow_his">
                            <div class="his_onecol1"><?php echo '$'. $totalEmailEarnAmount1;?> </div>
                            <div class="his_onecol1"> <?php echo "Declined"; ?> </div>
                            <div class="his_onecol2"><?php echo date("M j,Y " ,strtotime($rec['requested_date']));?></div>
                            <!--<div class="his_onecol1"><?php //echo date("M j,Y " ,strtotime($rec['paid_date']));?></div>-->
                        <p><?php echo $totalEmailEarnAmount1?></p>
<?php                    /*}
                    } */



更新时间:2023-08-28 11:08


为什么不使用您的Web服务器作为接口,它创建相应的公钥和私钥,并将其用于加密和解密? 确保您甚至加密将b / w服务器发送到应用程序的密钥加密的方式。

Why not use your web server as a interface, which creates the corresponding public and private key, and uses it for encryption and decryption? Make sure you even encrypt the way the keys which are sent b/w server to application are encrypted.


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