首页 \ 问答 \ Xml文件不复制到测试输出目录(Xml file not copying to test output directory)

Xml文件不复制到测试输出目录(Xml file not copying to test output directory)

Visual Studio 2010,x64机器,使用内置的Web服务器通过内置测试框架的一组单元测试来托管WCF服务。

我有一个XML文件,我的测试需要加载才能运行。 我已将该文件包含在测试项目中,并将文件设置为“内容”,并始终复制到输出目录。 这个文件拷贝到bin \ debug目录下。

然而,当我执行测试时,xml文件不在那里。 而不是查看项目的bin \ debug文件夹,它会在测试的工作目录C:\ Projects \ SAP Reapprovals \ TestResults \ name_machine 2010-12-06 13_45_43 \ Out“中查找该文件,该文件未被复制到。



我设置了DeploymentItem属性,但文件仍然不会复制。 但那肯定看起来像我想要的...任何想法为什么不起作用?


[DeploymentItem("SAP - GS3 format.xml")]
public void TestProcessSapRoles() {

    //  I get a 'file not found' error here, and when 
    //  I check the output directory, it isn't there
    XElement rolesRoot = XElement.Load("SAP - GS3 format.xml");


感谢出门到CPedros,他的帮助我放大了一点。 我运行了SysInternals的进程监视器,看看它在寻找我的xml文件。 这是我发现的:

当我使用ctrl + r,ctrl + t(当前上下文中的调试测试)运行测试时, visual studio 完全 忽略 DeploymentItem 属性 ,甚至没有尝试将文件复制到任何位置。 在这种情况下,当我尝试打开它进行阅读时,我收到一个“找不到文件”异常。 Visual Studio为测试创建了一个临时工作目录,但其中只有一个文件,AgentRestart.dat。

当我使用工具栏中的“运行单元测试”按钮运行测试(不知道是什么测试选项)时,Visual Studio没有复制文件,而是直接从项目目录中引用它。 测试通过,没有创建临时工作目录。

当我从菜单选项“运行 - >当前上下文中的测试”运行测试(运行,而不是调试)时,创建了临时工作目录,并将xml文件和所有可执行文件复制到该目录。 测试通过了。

当我编辑Local.testsettings(在我的测试文件夹下的解决方案项目文件夹下)时,我从左侧菜单中选择了“部署”,并添加了xml文件。 它被添加为[解决方案目录] \ [项目目录] \ file.xml。 我删除了DeploymentItem属性。 现在我可以调试测试了 将xml文件和所有可执行文件复制到为测试创建的临时目录。

TLDR: Visual Studio忽略了DeploymentItem属性,以确定某些运行测试的方式。 解决方案是编辑Local.testsettingsDeployment菜单,并手动添加文件。

谢谢您的帮助! 我给出了CPedros的答复,因为它是最有帮助的解决这个问题。

Visual Studio 2010, x64 machine, using the built-in web server to host a WCF service with a set of unit tests using the built-in test framework.

I have an XML file that my tests need to load to run. I've included this file in the test project, and have the file set to 'content' and 'always copy to output directory'. This file copies to the bin\debug directory fine.

When I execute the tests, however, the xml file is not there. Instead of looking in the project's bin\debug folder, it looks for it in the test's working directory, C:\Projects\SAP Reapprovals\TestResults\name_machine 2010-12-06 13_45_43\Out". The file hasn't been copied there.

Is there a way to force this file to copy, or do I need to fully qualify the reference from within the test?


I set the DeploymentItem attribute, but the file still doesn't copy. But that sure looks like what I want... any ideas why that isn't working?

My test code:

[DeploymentItem("SAP - GS3 format.xml")]
public void TestProcessSapRoles() {

    //  I get a 'file not found' error here, and when 
    //  I check the output directory, it isn't there
    XElement rolesRoot = XElement.Load("SAP - GS3 format.xml");


Thanks go out to CPedros, with his help I've zoomed in on this a bit. I ran SysInternals' Process Monitor, to see where it was looking for my xml file. Here's what I found:

When I ran the tests using ctrl+r,ctrl+t (debug tests in current context), visual studio ignored the DeploymentItem attribute completely and did not even try to copy the file anywhere. In this case I got a "File Not Found" exception when I tried to open it for reading. Visual studio created a temporary working directory for the tests, but there was only one file in it, AgentRestart.dat.

When I ran the tests using the 'Run Unit Tests' button in my toolbar (not sure what test option that is), Visual Studio did not copy the file over, but referenced it directly from the project directory. The test passed, and no temporary working directory was created.

When I ran the test from the menu option "run -> tests in current context" (run, not debug), a temporary working directory was created, and the xml file and all executables were copied to it. The test passed.

When I edited Local.testsettings (under a Solution Items folder under my tests folder), I chose 'Deployment' from the left menu, and added the xml file. It was added as [solution directory]\[project directory]\file.xml. I removed the DeploymentItem attribute. Now I was able to debug the tests; the xml file and all executables were copied to the temporary directory created for the test.

TLDR: Visual Studio is ignoring the DeploymentItem attribute for certain ways of running the test. The solution is to edit Local.testsettings, the Deployment menu, and add the file by hand.

Thanks for the help! I'm giving CPedros credit for his answer, as it was the most helpful in resolving this.

更新时间:2024-04-04 06:04


getData()函数返回String值而不是可选值。 那么您应该使用?将getData函数的返回类型更改为可选值类型? 操作者

虽然你总是期望一个可选值,如果你的getData函数总是返回一个字符串值,那么使用while是没有意义的,因为你故意告诉编译器getData函数将总是返回一个String值并尝试解包它,所以我们不应该' t展开非可选值。

错误处理代码 (记住书面保持更快 ):

private func nextLine() throws -> String?{
     var returnData : String? = ""

     if arc4random_uniform(7) != 3 {
     returnData = "Genreated Random number other than 3"
         throw NSError(domain: "Generated random number 3", code: 111, userInfo: nil)
     return returnData

do {
     while let headerLine =  try nextLine() {
     //do something with the header

       //Handle exception

如果生成的数字不等于3,则nextLine函数返回一个告诉“生成的3以外的随机数”的字符串,否则它将抛出一个可以在catch块中处理的异常。这里我有可能使nextLine函数返回一个可选的如果我删除? 从returnLine函数的返回类型。 它会给你一个错误,告诉“条件值的初始化器必须有可选类型而不是字符串”,这意味着编译器试图解包一个没有意义的非可选值。


  var someIntegerValue = 5

  if let x = someIntegerValue
    // it will give an error


 If you replace var some = 5 with var some : Int? = 5 it will be all right.



Your getData( ) function returns a String value not an optional value. So you should change return type of getData function to optional value type using ? operator

while let always expects an optional value, if your getData function always returns a string value then using while let makes no sense because you are telling the compiler intentionally that getData function will always return a String value and trying to unwrap it, so we shouldn't unwrap a nonoptional value.

Code for error handling ( Written Keeping Swifter in mind ) :

private func nextLine() throws -> String?{
     var returnData : String? = ""

     if arc4random_uniform(7) != 3 {
     returnData = "Genreated Random number other than 3"
         throw NSError(domain: "Generated random number 3", code: 111, userInfo: nil)
     return returnData

do {
     while let headerLine =  try nextLine() {
     //do something with the header

       //Handle exception

nextLine function returns a string telling "Generated Random number other than 3" if generated number is not equal to 3,or else it will throw an exception which can be handled in the catch block.Here I have potentially made nextLine function to return an optional value.If I remove ? from return type of nextLine function. It will give you an error telling "Initializer for conditional value must have optional type not String", it means compiler is trying to unwrap a non optional value which makes no sense.

Consider :

  var someIntegerValue = 5

  if let x = someIntegerValue
    // it will give an error

Above code will give you an error telling "Intializer for conditional binding must have Optional type,not Int",because even here we are trying to unwrap a non optional value.

 If you replace var some = 5 with var some : Int? = 5 it will be all right.

Error/Exception Handling :

you can make use of try keyword before fetching the value which should be inturn written inside do block ,it will either fetch value or it will fire an exception,exception should be handled inside catch block.


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