首页 \ 问答 \ xampp - 链接到不在根目录中的目录(xampp - linking to directory not in root)

xampp - 链接到不在根目录中的目录(xampp - linking to directory not in root)

我刚刚安装了xampp,并希望链接到一个单独的(不是c)驱动器上的一些开发网站。 以前在IIS中,我会在默认网站中添加一个虚拟目录。 我该如何做xampp中的等价物。 任何指针赞赏。

I have just installed xampp and would like to link to some dev websites on a separate(not c) drive. Previously in IIS, I would add a virtual directory in the default website. How do I do the equivalent in xampp. Any pointers appreciated.

更新时间:2023-06-28 12:06



"with_date": "German: {{date|date:'short'}}"

"with_date": "English: {{date|date:'medium'}}"


<h1>{{ 'with_date'|translate:{date:today} }}</h1>


$scope.today = new Date();

假设您已经使用正确的语言环境加载了angular-locale_* ,日期将以特定语言/国家/地区的格式进行格式化。


说到内置于angular( ngLocale )的本地化机制非常有限,当谈到日期时,您可以使用moment.js完成奇迹

Assuming you have following angular-translate translations definitions:

"with_date": "German: {{date|date:'short'}}"

"with_date": "English: {{date|date:'medium'}}"

Then inside a view you can do:

<h1>{{ 'with_date'|translate:{date:today} }}</h1>

Where today is defined in controller i.e.:

$scope.today = new Date();

Assuming you've loaded angular-locale_* with correct locale the dates will be formatted in a language/country specific way.

Here's a demo.

Having said that localization mechanism built into angular (ngLocale) is very limited and when it comes to dates you can accomplish wonders with moment.js


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