首页 \ 问答 \ 将文件夹从一个fedora 15服务器同步到另一个(Sync folder from one fedora 15 server to another)

将文件夹从一个fedora 15服务器同步到另一个(Sync folder from one fedora 15 server to another)

在一台服务器上[s1]我为一个页面创建并将一个图像调整为一个文件夹中的300x300和子文件夹中的[缩略图] 130x130。 s1是灯服务器。 我有另一台服务器[s2]运行相同的操作系统[fedora 15],仅通过nginx提供静态文件[images,css,js]。


这种情况每天只发生10-20次,但需要立即[如果可能]。 我读过有关使用php和sftp的内容,但我一直无法理解它。

我想我的问题,更重要的是,是; 任何人都可以推荐一种可靠的方法。

On one server [s1] I for a page I create and resize one image into a 300x300 in one folder and [a thumbnail] 130x130 in a subfolder. s1 is a lamp server. I have another server [s2] running the same OS [fedora 15] serving static files [images, css, js] only, via nginx.

Is it possible to copy the images to s2 after they are created [resized, etc] from s1.?

This only happens maybe 10-20 times a day but needs to be immediate [if possible]. I've read about using php & sftp but I have been unable to make sense of it.

I guess my question, more to the point, is; Can anyone recommend a method that is reliable.?

更新时间:2023-04-26 09:04




clonevar issue, generate(clone) 
bys id1 id2 (date): replace issue = clone[n-1] if missing(issue) 


foreach v in 1(1)_nforeach不会用in扩展numlist ; 它也不会为你评价_n

replace issue[n] :不允许在该位置下标; replace issue意味着同样的事情。

issue[nv] :你需要一个本地参考。




The attempted loop over observations is quite unnecessary, as Stata does that any way.

If you want to use only the most recent non-missing value it is likely that you want this:

clonevar issue, generate(clone) 
bys id1 id2 (date): replace issue = clone[n-1] if missing(issue) 

Note the following bugs in your code apart from that you flag:

foreach v in 1(1)_n: foreach won't expand a numlist with in; nor will it evaluate _n for you.

replace issue[n]: subscripts are not allowed in that position; replace issue means the same thing any way.

issue[n-v]: you'd need a local reference there.

and is not a keyword: you need & if you want a logical "and"

n presumably is a typo for _n

See also this FAQ on replacing missing values


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