首页 \ 问答 \ Windows批处理脚本,一次压缩文件夹中的文件500个文件(Windows batch script to zip files in a folder 500 files at a time)

Windows批处理脚本,一次压缩文件夹中的文件500个文件(Windows batch script to zip files in a folder 500 files at a time)

我的问题:我们每天都会通过FTP传输将我们的通话录音发送给第三方供应商,作为其提供的分析服务的一个zip文件。 这个过程通过.bat文件自动化很长一段时间,直到传输开始失败。


因此,我们的目标是编写一个.bat文件,它将一次记录文件500并压缩它们。 显然,脚本还必须压缩随机数量的文件留在最后




@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: Folder containing files
set input=C:\Temp\CallMiner\Downloads
:: Folder for zips
set output=C:\Temp\CallMiner\Uploads
:: Temp filename to hold list of 500 
set listfile=%temp%\listfile
:: Zip counter
set z=1
:: Files per zip
set n=500

cd /d %input%

if exist %listfile% del %listfile%

set i=0

for %f in (*) do (
    echo [!i!] & set /a i+=1
    echo %f >> %listfile%

    if !i!==%n% (
        7z a %output%\!z!.zip @%listfile%
        set i=0
        set /a !z!+=1
        del %listfile%

:: Process remaining files, if any
if exist %listfile% (
    7z a %output%\!z!.zip @%listfile%
    del %listfile%


@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: Folder containing files
set input=D:\temp
:: Folder for zips
set output=D:\output
:: Temp filename to hold list of 10 
set listfile=%temp%\listfile
:: Zip counter
set z=1
:: Files per zip
set n=10

cd /d %input%

if exist %listfile% del %listfile%

set i=0

for %%f in (*.*) do (
    set /a i=!i! + 1
    echo %%f >> %listfile%

    if !i!==%n% (
        rar a %output%\!z!.rar @%listfile%
        set i=0
        set /a z=!z! + 1
        del %listfile%

:: Process remaining files, if any
if exist %listfile% (
    rar a %output%\!z!.rar @%listfile%
    del %listfile%

当我执行原始脚本只修改了文件位置,数量,压缩程序和删除单个%符号,以便我可以手动执行并观察结果时,我反复收到错误“缺少操作员”(大概每个文件一次在文件夹中)。 据我所知,该错误是引用这一行代码:

set /a i=!i! + 1



My problem: Every day we send our call recordings over to a third party vendor as one zip file via FTP transfer for an analysis service they provide. This process was automated via .bat file for a good long while until suddenly the transfer started failing.

Our vendor has suggested breaking the one large zip file into several smaller ones to resolve the problem.

Therefore, the goal is to write a .bat file that will take the recording files 500 at a time and zip them. Obviously the script must also zip whatever random quantity of files is left at the end.

I have spent 5 days researching this online and I found a solution posted on stack exchange which appeared to be exactly what I need.

However, I cannot get it to work and would appreciate some assistance in determining what needs to be modified for it to execute correctly.

Here is the script in it's current form:

@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: Folder containing files
set input=C:\Temp\CallMiner\Downloads
:: Folder for zips
set output=C:\Temp\CallMiner\Uploads
:: Temp filename to hold list of 500 
set listfile=%temp%\listfile
:: Zip counter
set z=1
:: Files per zip
set n=500

cd /d %input%

if exist %listfile% del %listfile%

set i=0

for %f in (*) do (
    echo [!i!] & set /a i+=1
    echo %f >> %listfile%

    if !i!==%n% (
        7z a %output%\!z!.zip @%listfile%
        set i=0
        set /a !z!+=1
        del %listfile%

:: Process remaining files, if any
if exist %listfile% (
    7z a %output%\!z!.zip @%listfile%
    del %listfile%

Here is the original script posted to answer another user with a similar issue:

@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: Folder containing files
set input=D:\temp
:: Folder for zips
set output=D:\output
:: Temp filename to hold list of 10 
set listfile=%temp%\listfile
:: Zip counter
set z=1
:: Files per zip
set n=10

cd /d %input%

if exist %listfile% del %listfile%

set i=0

for %%f in (*.*) do (
    set /a i=!i! + 1
    echo %%f >> %listfile%

    if !i!==%n% (
        rar a %output%\!z!.rar @%listfile%
        set i=0
        set /a z=!z! + 1
        del %listfile%

:: Process remaining files, if any
if exist %listfile% (
    rar a %output%\!z!.rar @%listfile%
    del %listfile%

When I executed the original script having only modified file location, quantity, zip program, and removal of a single % symbol so I could execute it manually and watch the results, I received the error "missing operator" repeatedly (presumably once for each file in the folder). As far as I can tell, that error is referencing this line of code:

set /a i=!i! + 1

Every modification I have made to it has resulted in a different result, none of which are correct.

I cannot say for sure that this is the true cause of the problem, or the only problem and I would really appreciate some assistance from more experienced windows command line users.

更新时间:2022-10-21 16:10


没关系,就去吧! 我唯一做的就是检查我的页面是否回发,然后调用我的javascript!

Nevermind, just go it! The only thing I did was check if my page is post back, then call my javascript!


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