首页 \ 问答 \ 无法连接到Microsoft远程调试监视器。(Unable to connect to the Microsoft Remote Debugging Monitor. A security package specific error occurred)

无法连接到Microsoft远程调试监视器。(Unable to connect to the Microsoft Remote Debugging Monitor. A security package specific error occurred)


“无法连接到名为''的Microsoft Visual Studio远程调试监视器。出现安全软件包特定错误。”


I'm getting the following error when trying to attach to a remote debugging monitor running on another PC on our domain:

"Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named ''. A security package specific error occurred."

In addition, if you look on the remote machine you can see yourself as "connected" in the remote debugger window.

更新时间:2022-11-19 17:11


首先,最好提取对User模型的find(:all, ...)调用。 例如,将其search

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :search_by_email, lambda { |email|
    joins(:roles).where(["name IN (?) and email like '#{email}%'",["content team","ops team"]])


def admin_search
   @admins = User.search_by_email(params[:email]).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)

现在,您可以单独测试search_by_email方法 - 检查,它只返回“内容团队”和“操作团队”的结果,正确使用空电子邮件字符串等。

我不认为你必须测试paginate方法,因为它应该已经在kaminari,will_paginate或你使用的任何东西测试过。 但是如果你想确定它被调用,那么你可以在控制器规范中使用模拟期望( should_receive )。


describe User do
  describe ".search_by_email" do
    let(:content_team) { Role.create! name: "content team" }
    let(:ops_team)     { Role.create! name: "ops team"     }
    let(:another_team) { Role.create! name: "another team" }

    it "should search in content team" do
      content_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [content_team]
      User.search_by_email("black").should == [content_team_user]

    it "should search in ops team" do
      ops_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [ops_team]
      User.search_by_email("black").should == [ops_team_user]

    it "should not search in other teams" do
      other_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [another_team]
      User.search_by_email("black").should == []

    it "should not search by empty string" do
      content_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [content_team_user]
      User.search_by_email("").should == []
      User.search_by_email(nil).should == []

    # more specs for search...

describe UsersController do
  describe "admin search" do
    let(:admin_user) { double(:admin_user).as_null_object }
    let(:search_string) { 'joe' }

    it "should search for admin users" do
      get :admin_search, email: search_string
      assigns(:admins).should == [admin_user]

First of all, it's better to extract find(:all, ...) call to User model. Call it search, for instance.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :search_by_email, lambda { |email|
    joins(:roles).where(["name IN (?) and email like '#{email}%'",["content team","ops team"]])

Use it in the controller then:

def admin_search
   @admins = User.search_by_email(params[:email]).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)

Now, you can test the search_by_email method in isolation - check, that it returns result for "content team" and "ops team" only, correctly works with empty email string and so on.

I don't think you have to test paginate method, as it should be already tested in kaminari, will_paginate or whatever you use. But if you want to be sure, that it is being called, than you can use mock expectations (should_receive) in the controller specs.

EDIT: How the specs could look like

describe User do
  describe ".search_by_email" do
    let(:content_team) { Role.create! name: "content team" }
    let(:ops_team)     { Role.create! name: "ops team"     }
    let(:another_team) { Role.create! name: "another team" }

    it "should search in content team" do
      content_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [content_team]
      User.search_by_email("black").should == [content_team_user]

    it "should search in ops team" do
      ops_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [ops_team]
      User.search_by_email("black").should == [ops_team_user]

    it "should not search in other teams" do
      other_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [another_team]
      User.search_by_email("black").should == []

    it "should not search by empty string" do
      content_team_user = User.create! email: "joe.black@example.com", roles: [content_team_user]
      User.search_by_email("").should == []
      User.search_by_email(nil).should == []

    # more specs for search...

describe UsersController do
  describe "admin search" do
    let(:admin_user) { double(:admin_user).as_null_object }
    let(:search_string) { 'joe' }

    it "should search for admin users" do
      get :admin_search, email: search_string
      assigns(:admins).should == [admin_user]


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