首页 \ 问答 \ vue.js 2在vue-material中路由(vue.js 2 routing in vue-material)

vue.js 2在vue-material中路由(vue.js 2 routing in vue-material)

我目前正在开发一个将vue.jsvue-material一起使用的网页。 我做了类似这样的菜单。

我的目标是,其中一个菜单项将用户重定向到另一个页面。 我试着作为官方文件说:

  <md-list-item @click="$refs.sidebar.toggle(); this.$router.push('/company');">
    <md-icon>start</md-icon> <span>Starred</span>


[Vue warn]: Error in event handler for "click": "TypeError: this.$router is undefined"

我尝试了所有版本: $router.push('/company');router.push('/company');this.router.push('/company'); 但是stil不起作用。

另一方面,我试图用router-link标签包围md-list-item ,但它也没有用。




我在app.js vue-route配置:

import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
const routes = [];

const router = new VueRouter({

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    beforeUpdate: function() {
      console.debug('app rerendering');
    beforeCreate: function() {
      console.debug('app creating');

但问题是一样的...如果我试着打电话给这个。 $router.push('/company')我得到了同样的错误: TypeError: this.$router is undefined

I'm currently working on a web page what uses vue.js with vue-material. I made a similar menu like this.

My goal, that one of the menu item redirect the user to an another page. I tried as a official doc says:

  <md-list-item @click="$refs.sidebar.toggle(); this.$router.push('/company');">
    <md-icon>start</md-icon> <span>Starred</span>

But I got a vue-warn message:

[Vue warn]: Error in event handler for "click": "TypeError: this.$router is undefined"

I tried the all version: $router.push('/company');,router.push('/company');,this.router.push('/company'); but stil does not works.

On the other hand i tried to surround the md-list-item with router-link tag but it didnt work as well.

How can I define the routing inline (in the @click section)?

Thx for the responses in advance!


My vue-route config in app.js:

import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
const routes = [];

const router = new VueRouter({

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    beforeUpdate: function() {
      console.debug('app rerendering');
    beforeCreate: function() {
      console.debug('app creating');

But the problem is the same... If I try to call this.$router.push('/company') I got a same error: TypeError: this.$router is undefined

更新时间:2023-01-24 14:01


使用其他问题中描述的Mapper可以让您走上正确的道路。 正如doc [0]中提到的,你会得到一堆sqlalchemy.orm.relationships.RelationshipProperty ,然后你就可以在与每个RelationshipProperty关联的mapper上使用class_来进入类:

from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect
rels = inspect(Thing).relationships
clss = [rel.mapper.class_ for rel in rels]

Using the Mapper as described in that other question gets you on the right path. As mentioned on the doc [0], you will get a bunch of sqlalchemy.orm.relationships.RelationshipProperty, and then you can use class_ on the mapper associated with each RelationshipProperty to get to the class:

from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect
rels = inspect(Thing).relationships
clss = [rel.mapper.class_ for rel in rels]


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