首页 \ 问答 \ Viewport的Android问题(Android problems with Viewport)

Viewport的Android问题(Android problems with Viewport)

当我在桌面上运行游戏工作正常,但是当我在我的Android设备中运行它时,图像看起来是半个,当我使用PLAY按钮游戏关闭时,任何人都可以帮助我吗? 谢谢。

public class GameScreen extends AbstractScreen {

    private Viewport viewport;
    private Camera camera;
    private SpriteBatch batch;
    private Texture texture;
    private float escala;
    private Paddle Lpaddle, Rpaddle;
    private Ball ball;
    private BitmapFont font;
    private int puntuacion, puntuacionMaxima;
    private Preferences preferencias;
    private Music music;
    private Sound sonidoex;

    public GameScreen(Main main) {
            preferencias = Gdx.app.getPreferences("PuntuacionAppPoints");   
            puntuacionMaxima = preferencias.getInteger("puntuacionMaxima");
            music =Gdx.audio.newMusic(Gdx.files.internal("bgmusic.mp3"));
            music.setVolume((float) 0.3);
            sonidoex = Gdx.audio.newSound(Gdx.files.internal("explosion5.wav"));

    public void create(){
         camera = new PerspectiveCamera();
            viewport = new FitViewport(800, 480, camera);   


    public void show(){
        batch = main.getBatch();
        texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("spacebg.png"));
        Texture texturaBola = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("bola.png"));
        ball = new Ball(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 2 - texturaBola.getWidth() / 2, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 2 - texturaBola.getHeight() / 2);
        Texture texturaPala= new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("pala.png"));
        Lpaddle = new LeftPaddle(80, Gdx.graphics.getHeight()/2 -texturaPala.getHeight() /2);
        Rpaddle = new RightPaddle(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() -100, Gdx.graphics.getHeight()/2 - texturaPala.getHeight() /2, ball);
        font = new BitmapFont();
        puntuacion = 0;


    public void render(float delta){
        Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
        ball.update(Lpaddle, Rpaddle);
        batch.draw(texture, 0, 0,texture.getWidth(), texture.getHeight());
        font.draw(batch, "Points: " + Integer.toString(puntuacion), Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 4 ,Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - 5);
        font.draw(batch, "High score: " + Integer.toString(puntuacionMaxima),Gdx.graphics.getWidth() - Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 4 ,Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - 5);

    private void updatePuntuacion(){
        if(ball.getBordes().overlaps(Lpaddle.getBordes())) { 
            puntuacion = puntuacion + 1;
            if(puntuacion > puntuacionMaxima)
            puntuacionMaxima = puntuacion;

        if(ball.getBordes().x <= 0) 

        if(ball.getBordes().x <= 0)
        puntuacion =0;

        if(ball.getBordes().x <=0)

        if(ball.getBordes().x <=0)


    public void hide(){


    public void dispose(){
        preferencias.putInteger("puntuacionMaxima", puntuacionMaxima);

    public void resize(int width, int height){      
        float widthImage = texture.getWidth();
        float heightImage = texture.getHeight();
        float r = heightImage / widthImage;
        if(heightImage > height) { 
            heightImage = height;
            widthImage = heightImage / r;
        if(widthImage > width) { 
            widthImage = width;
            heightImage = widthImage * r;
        escala = width / widthImage; 

        if(Gdx.app.getType()== ApplicationType.Android)
        viewport.update(width, height);



When i run the game in Desktop works fine, but when i run it in my android device, the image looks cuted in a half and when i use the PLAY button the game closes, anyone can help me? thank you.

public class GameScreen extends AbstractScreen {

    private Viewport viewport;
    private Camera camera;
    private SpriteBatch batch;
    private Texture texture;
    private float escala;
    private Paddle Lpaddle, Rpaddle;
    private Ball ball;
    private BitmapFont font;
    private int puntuacion, puntuacionMaxima;
    private Preferences preferencias;
    private Music music;
    private Sound sonidoex;

    public GameScreen(Main main) {
            preferencias = Gdx.app.getPreferences("PuntuacionAppPoints");   
            puntuacionMaxima = preferencias.getInteger("puntuacionMaxima");
            music =Gdx.audio.newMusic(Gdx.files.internal("bgmusic.mp3"));
            music.setVolume((float) 0.3);
            sonidoex = Gdx.audio.newSound(Gdx.files.internal("explosion5.wav"));

    public void create(){
         camera = new PerspectiveCamera();
            viewport = new FitViewport(800, 480, camera);   


    public void show(){
        batch = main.getBatch();
        texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("spacebg.png"));
        Texture texturaBola = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("bola.png"));
        ball = new Ball(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 2 - texturaBola.getWidth() / 2, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 2 - texturaBola.getHeight() / 2);
        Texture texturaPala= new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("pala.png"));
        Lpaddle = new LeftPaddle(80, Gdx.graphics.getHeight()/2 -texturaPala.getHeight() /2);
        Rpaddle = new RightPaddle(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() -100, Gdx.graphics.getHeight()/2 - texturaPala.getHeight() /2, ball);
        font = new BitmapFont();
        puntuacion = 0;


    public void render(float delta){
        Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
        ball.update(Lpaddle, Rpaddle);
        batch.draw(texture, 0, 0,texture.getWidth(), texture.getHeight());
        font.draw(batch, "Points: " + Integer.toString(puntuacion), Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 4 ,Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - 5);
        font.draw(batch, "High score: " + Integer.toString(puntuacionMaxima),Gdx.graphics.getWidth() - Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 4 ,Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - 5);

    private void updatePuntuacion(){
        if(ball.getBordes().overlaps(Lpaddle.getBordes())) { 
            puntuacion = puntuacion + 1;
            if(puntuacion > puntuacionMaxima)
            puntuacionMaxima = puntuacion;

        if(ball.getBordes().x <= 0) 

        if(ball.getBordes().x <= 0)
        puntuacion =0;

        if(ball.getBordes().x <=0)

        if(ball.getBordes().x <=0)


    public void hide(){


    public void dispose(){
        preferencias.putInteger("puntuacionMaxima", puntuacionMaxima);

    public void resize(int width, int height){      
        float widthImage = texture.getWidth();
        float heightImage = texture.getHeight();
        float r = heightImage / widthImage;
        if(heightImage > height) { 
            heightImage = height;
            widthImage = heightImage / r;
        if(widthImage > width) { 
            widthImage = width;
            heightImage = widthImage * r;
        escala = width / widthImage; 

        if(Gdx.app.getType()== ApplicationType.Android)
        viewport.update(width, height);



更新时间:2023-09-21 13:09


你可以在&后面运行一个进程(一个&符号,而不是两个),但这需要你手动管理它,这将是相当乏味的。 有关详细信息,请参阅shell脚本行末尾的&符号是什么意思?


npm install --save-dev concurrently


"start": "concurrently 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'"


"start": "concurrently -n 'webpack,server' -c 'bgBlue.bold,bgGreen.bold' 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'"

You could run one process in the background with & (one ampersand, not two) but that would require you to manage it manually, which would be rather tedious. For details see What does ampersand mean at the end of a shell script line?.

For that use-case someone built concurrently, which makes it simple to run processes in parallel and keep track of their output.

npm install --save-dev concurrently

And your start script becomes:

"start": "concurrently 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'"

If you want to make the output a little prettier you can give the processes names with -n and colours with -c, for example:

"start": "concurrently -n 'webpack,server' -c 'bgBlue.bold,bgGreen.bold' 'npm run webpack' 'npm run server'"


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