首页 \ 问答 \ 将VB.Net中的DBF文件结构读取为二进制文件(Reading DBF File Structure in VB.Net as binary file)

将VB.Net中的DBF文件结构读取为二进制文件(Reading DBF File Structure in VB.Net as binary file)

我在VB.Net中打开一个DBF作为二进制文件来确定结构。 我必须这样做,因为使用Visual Foxpro OLEDB驱动程序不会返回十进制字段的精度和比例。 我成功地完成了我的任务,没有任何问题。 我遇到的问题是:



48-13-2-6-158-0-0-0-168-9-18-3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 0-0-0-1-3-0-0

“48”(Hex 30)表示Visual Foxpro


实际记录大小为786字节。 由于有68个字段,第一个数据记录的位置应为(68x32 + 31)= 2207。



I am opening a DBF as a binary file in VB.Net to determine the structure. I have to do it this way since using the Visual Foxpro OLEDB driver does not return the precision and scale of decimal fields. I am succesfully accomplishing my task with no problem. The problem I am having is this:

Byte 0 is the DBF file type.
Bytes 1-3 is the Last Update (yymmdd).
Bytes 4-7 of a DBF file is the Number of records in the file.
Bytes 8-9 is the Position of the first data record.
Bytes 10-11 is the Length of one data record, including the delete flag.
(This information comes from http://www.dbf2002.com/dbf-file-format.html)

The following is the first 32 bytes of my DBF file, separated by hyphens:


The "48" (Hex 30) means Visual Foxpro
Bytes 1-3 say that the file was last updated on 2/6/2013.
Bytes 4-7 say that the file has 158 records.
All of these are correct.

Bytes 8-9 are 168 and 9, and Bytes 10-11 are 18 and 3.

The actual record size is 786 bytes. Since there is 68 fields, the position of the first data record should be (68x32+31) = 2207.

Is there some conversion I must do to convert 1689 to 2207 and 183 to 786?

I have tried dec to hex and vice versa.

更新时间:2023-07-25 18:07


是的,Azure AD B2C Graph API允许对用户进行CRUD操作。

您可以通过向/ users端点发送“POST”请求来创建用户。

以下文档使用C#编写的“B2CGraphClient”工具来演示这一点: Azure AD B2C:使用Graph (请参阅页面中的GitHub链接以下载示例代码)

请注意,Azure AD B2C中有两种类型的用户帐户:“本地帐户”和“工作或学校帐户”。 所需的参数因您需要的帐户类型而异。

Yes, Azure AD B2C Graph API allows CRUD operations on users.

You can create a user by sending a "POST" request to the /users endpoint.

The following documentation demonstrates this with a "B2CGraphClient" utils written in C# : Azure AD B2C: Use the Graph (see GitHub link in the page to download the sample code)

Please note there are two types of user account in Azure AD B2C : "local accounts" and "work or school accounts". Required parameters vary upon the account type you need.


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