首页 \ 问答 \ VBA userform_Get从附加文本框到单元格的值(VBA userform_Get Value from additional textboxes to cells)

VBA userform_Get从附加文本框到单元格的值(VBA userform_Get Value from additional textboxes to cells)

我不知道如何在VBA Userform中采取行动。

我有一个用户表单,它允许用户添加更多的文本框并将值输入到文本框。 我想从每个附加文本框中复制这些值以分隔单元格。 这是我所做的,但没有工作。

标签“点击后添加文本框 - 这是一种工作方式”

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
  x = Me.Controls.count + 1
  Set xx = Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "CtrlName" & x)
  xx.Top = x * 20 - 108
  xx.Left = 396
  xx.Width = 288
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  Dim count as Integer
  Dim i as Integer
  count = Me.Controls.count - 9 ("I have 9 other controls, so need to - 9 to count the number of textboxes")
  For i = 1 To count
    Cells(i, 1).Select
    ActiveCell.Value = Me.Controls("TextBox" & i).Value
  Next i
End Sub

问题是Me.Controls ("TextBox" & I).Value 。 我在这里尝试了不同的功能,但仍然无法解决这个问题。

I don't know how to take action with the VBA Userform here.

I have a userform which allows users add more textboxes and type the value to the textboxes. I want to copy those values from each additional textbox to separate cells. This is what I did, but not working.

Label "Add textbox after clicking_THIS ONE IS WORKING"

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
  x = Me.Controls.count + 1
  Set xx = Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "CtrlName" & x)
  xx.Top = x * 20 - 108
  xx.Left = 396
  xx.Width = 288
End Sub

Label "Get value from textboxes to cell_THIS IS NOT WORKING"

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
  Dim count as Integer
  Dim i as Integer
  count = Me.Controls.count - 9 ("I have 9 other controls, so need to - 9 to count the number of textboxes")
  For i = 1 To count
    Cells(i, 1).Select
    ActiveCell.Value = Me.Controls("TextBox" & i).Value
  Next i
End Sub

The problem is the Me.Controls ("TextBox" & I).Value. I tried different funtions here, but still couldn't solve that.

更新时间:2022-07-28 16:07




    function getMiles(){
    var firstValue = parseFloat($('#first').val()); // get value of field
    var secondValue = parseFloat($('#second').val()); // convert it to a float
    var thirdValue = parseFloat($('#third').val());
    $('#added').html(firstValue * secondValue ); 



$('input').keyup(getMiles); //this will do as you had it before...

 getMiles();//this can be used at top of script, or in a callback, 
            //so that it updates on page load, or on the google map callback 

例如,我不知道你是如何从谷歌获取数据的,但是让我们假装它是一个Jquery Ajax调用....那么你只需要在成功函数中调用getMiles() ....就像这样.. 。

   url: "googlemapexample.php",
   dataType: "json",
   success: getMiles


   url: "googlemapexample.php",
   dataType: "json",
   success: function(data){
    ///do some stuff here with data
    } }).done(getMiles);

Thats because you only have it running on the keyup code...

put it in a function like so....

    function getMiles(){
    var firstValue = parseFloat($('#first').val()); // get value of field
    var secondValue = parseFloat($('#second').val()); // convert it to a float
    var thirdValue = parseFloat($('#third').val());
    $('#added').html(firstValue * secondValue ); 


Then you can run that code, on keyup for anytime it changes....and just run it any other time you need to....like when page loads etc...

$('input').keyup(getMiles); //this will do as you had it before...

 getMiles();//this can be used at top of script, or in a callback, 
            //so that it updates on page load, or on the google map callback 

Like for example, I don't know how you are getting the data from google, but lets pretend its a Jquery Ajax call....then you would just call getMiles() in the success function....like this...

   url: "googlemapexample.php",
   dataType: "json",
   success: getMiles

Or in the done function....so you can do other stuff on scuccess....

   url: "googlemapexample.php",
   dataType: "json",
   success: function(data){
    ///do some stuff here with data
    } }).done(getMiles);


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