首页 \ 问答 \ UML类图中的关系如何继承?(How relations in UML class diagram inherit?)

UML类图中的关系如何继承?(How relations in UML class diagram inherit?)

我想知道关联,依赖关系和这种关系如何在UML中继承(或者说,一般来说)。 所以,在这种情况下:

  ┌──────────┐                                        ┌──────────┐
  │  ClassA  │                                        │  ClassB  │
  ├──────────┤                                        ├──────────┤
  │          │─────────"One kind of relation"────────>│          │
  ├──────────┤                                        ├──────────┤
  │          │                                        │          │
  └──────────┘                                        └──────────┘
  │  ClassC  │
  │          │
  │          │


  • ClassA-ClassC属于泛化关系,箭头是实心的
  • ClassA-ClassB属于[依赖,关联,聚合,组合]之一
  • Unicode很酷,但使用编辑器字体看起来好多了:)

我的问题是,这些关系如何继承? 例如,当ClassA依赖于ClassB时,ClassC是否依赖于ClassB? 等等


I was wondering how associations, dependencies and such relations inherit in UML (or let's say, in general). So, in a situation like this:

  ┌──────────┐                                        ┌──────────┐
  │  ClassA  │                                        │  ClassB  │
  ├──────────┤                                        ├──────────┤
  │          │─────────"One kind of relation"────────>│          │
  ├──────────┤                                        ├──────────┤
  │          │                                        │          │
  └──────────┘                                        └──────────┘
  │  ClassC  │
  │          │
  │          │


  • ClassA-ClassC is in a generalization relation, the arrow is meant to be solid
  • ClassA-ClassB is in one of [dependency, association, aggregation, composition]
  • Unicode is cool, but looked much better with the editor font :)

My question is, how do these relations inherit? For example, when ClassA is dependent on ClassB, will ClassC depend on ClassB? etc.

Thank you.

更新时间:2023-11-30 20:11


Firebase JavaScript客户端始终检索完整节点。 它无法仅检索密钥。


  "companyList" : {
     "compkey1" : {
      "compkey2" : {
  "companyKeys" : {
     "compkey1": true,
     "compkey2": true

Firebase(以及许多其他NoSQL数据库)中的一个常见建议是以您的应用程序需要读取数据的方式对数据建模 。 在上面的示例中,您似乎需要阅读公司密钥列表,因此您应该建模。

注意: Firebase REST API确实有一个shallow=true参数,该参数只返回键。 但我建议通过不同的方式对数据进行建模来解决问题。

The Firebase JavaScript client always retrieves complete nodes. It has no option to retrieve only the keys.

If you want to retrieve only the keys/names of the company, you'll have to store them in a separate node.

  "companyList" : {
     "compkey1" : {
      "compkey2" : {
  "companyKeys" : {
     "compkey1": true,
     "compkey2": true

A common recommendation in Firebase (and many other NoSQL databases) is to model your data in a way that your application will need to read it. In the above example, it seems like you need to read a list of company keys, so that is what you should model.

Note: the Firebase REST API does have a shallow=true parameter that will return only the keys. But I recommend solving the problem by modeling the data differently instead.


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