首页 \ 问答 \ UML创建用例图(noob)(UML creating Use case Diagrams (noob))

UML创建用例图(noob)(UML creating Use case Diagrams (noob))

嗨我不习惯UML但我必须为系统创建一个用例图。 如果有人可以举例说明用例我提供的任何信息,请感谢(HELP!)。 Windows 7手机系统朗姆酒







USer Can Equip工具,如果达到Points目标,用户将获得新工具。


请擦掉油漆2-3分钟以及我如何做这些用例之一! 每个sendance都需要一个用例吗? 或者是否可以为每一行提供一个用例?


Hi im not used to UML but i have to create a Use case diagram for a system. Id Appreciate(HELP!) if some one could make an example of a use case Any of the information i provide. the system rums on windows mobile phone 7

Mobile Location based GPS

User creates account,

User Creates Profile(identy) on the account

User Chooses Region

User Chooses to partcipate, then gets Assigned A location from servers online

User gaol of Reaching loaction met, User is Assigned Points(leader board updated), If the user Fails No points Valuse of location increases.

USer Can Equip tools, User Gets new Tools if Points Goals are reached.

User Can lookup point leaderboard, See users Rank

Please wip out paint for 2-3 mins and how me how to do one of these use cases ! And does each sentance need a use case ? or is it possilbe to give a use case to each of these lines ?


更新时间:2024-01-12 16:01



  1. 问题是我不应该将10.100.0.0/17的路由添加添加到我的RRAS服务器。 RRAS连接将自行插入该路由。 在机器上有2个接口(1)以太网,(2)RRAS拨号。 通过手动插入该路由,它将流量转移到错误的接口。

  2. 请记住在双方的Windows防火墙(RRAS VM和Azure VM)上检查并启用ICMPv4!

  3. 对于其他服务器,他们不必将其GW设置为RRAS服务器。 只要你添加一个Route Add到你的RRAS服务器就行了。


  1. 我的onpremise防火墙有一个公共ip映射到我的内部VM(RRAS服务器)
  2. 在未安装远程访问的新Windows Server 2012安装程序之后,按照指南进行操作。
  3. 按照VPN连接设置指南运行Azure powershell脚本。

Ok fixed the issue.

  1. Problem was I should not have added the route add for to my RRAS server. The RRAS connection will insert that route by itself. Cos there's 2 interface on the machine (1) Ethernet, (2) the RRAS dialup. By manually inserting that route, it diverted traffic to the wrong interface.

  2. Remember to check and enable ICMPv4 on Windows Firewall on both sides (RRAS VM and Azure VM)!

  3. For other servers, they do not have to set their GW to the RRAS server. as long as you add a Route Add to your RRAS server will do.

Some info on my setup environment:

  1. My onpremise firewall has a public ip mapped to my internal VM (RRAS server)
  2. Followed the guide on a new Windows Server 2012 setup without Remote Access installed.
  3. Run the Azure powershell script as per the guide for VPN connection setup.


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  • 好了解决了这个问题。 问题是我不应该将10.100.0.0/17的路由添加添加到我的RRAS服务器。 RRAS连接将自行插入该路由。 在机器上有2个接口(1)以太网,(2)RRAS拨号。 通过手动插入该路由,它将流量转移到错误的接口。 请记住在双方的Windows防火墙(RRAS VM和Azure VM)上检查并启用ICMPv4! 对于其他服务器,他们不必将其GW设置为RRAS服务器。 只要你添加一个Route Add到你的RRAS服务器就行了。 有关我的设置环境的一些信息: 我 ...
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