首页 \ 问答 \ Typescript React React.createElement:类型不应该为null,undefined,boolean或number(Typescript React React.createElement: type should not be null, undefined, boolean, or number)

Typescript React React.createElement:类型不应该为null,undefined,boolean或number(Typescript React React.createElement: type should not be null, undefined, boolean, or number)

我正在使用TypeScript(1.8.10)并学习反应。 我正在使用React-Bootstrap来构建一个简单的导航作为示例,并且出现以下错误。 这个错误阻止了dom被渲染。 我是全新的反应,所以不知道我在这里做错了什么。 非常感谢您提供任何帮助或指针来解决此错误。

    // A '.tsx' file enables JSX support in the TypeScript compiler, 
// for more information see the following page on the TypeScript wiki:
// https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/JSX
/// <reference path="./../../../typings/index.d.ts" />

import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap';
interface INavigationProps {

let Navbar = ReactBootstrap.Navbar;
let NavItem = ReactBootstrap.NavItem;
let MenuItem = ReactBootstrap.MenuItem;
let NavbarHeader = ReactBootstrap.NavbarHeader;
const dropdownItems = [
    { href: '#', name: 'Overview' },
    { href: '#', name: 'Setup' },
    { href: '#', name: 'Usage' },

export default class Navigation extends React.Component<INavigationProps, {}> {
    render() {

        return (
                <NavbarHeader href="homepage.html" name="Website Name"/>
                    <MenuItem link="about.html" title="About" />
                    <MenuItem link="contact.html" title="Contact" />
                    <MenuItem link="services.html" title="Services" />

    // A '.tsx' file enables JSX support in the TypeScript compiler, 
// for more information see the following page on the TypeScript wiki:
// https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/JSX
/// <reference path="./../../typings/index.d.ts" />

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import * as ReactBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap';

import HeaderNavigation from "./NavigationComponent/navigation";
import Hello from "./HelloComponent/Hello";

        <HeaderNavigation />
        <Hello name="Athraya" />


I am using TypeScript(1.8.10) and learning react. I am using React-Bootstrap to build a simple navigation as an example and I am getting the following error. THe error prevents the dom from getting rendered. I am totally new to react so not sure what I am doing wrong here. Thank you so much for any help or pointers to get past this error.

    // A '.tsx' file enables JSX support in the TypeScript compiler, 
// for more information see the following page on the TypeScript wiki:
// https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/JSX
/// <reference path="./../../../typings/index.d.ts" />

import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap';
interface INavigationProps {

let Navbar = ReactBootstrap.Navbar;
let NavItem = ReactBootstrap.NavItem;
let MenuItem = ReactBootstrap.MenuItem;
let NavbarHeader = ReactBootstrap.NavbarHeader;
const dropdownItems = [
    { href: '#', name: 'Overview' },
    { href: '#', name: 'Setup' },
    { href: '#', name: 'Usage' },

export default class Navigation extends React.Component<INavigationProps, {}> {
    render() {

        return (
                <NavbarHeader href="homepage.html" name="Website Name"/>
                    <MenuItem link="about.html" title="About" />
                    <MenuItem link="contact.html" title="Contact" />
                    <MenuItem link="services.html" title="Services" />

    // A '.tsx' file enables JSX support in the TypeScript compiler, 
// for more information see the following page on the TypeScript wiki:
// https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/JSX
/// <reference path="./../../typings/index.d.ts" />

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import * as ReactBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap';

import HeaderNavigation from "./NavigationComponent/navigation";
import Hello from "./HelloComponent/Hello";

        <HeaderNavigation />
        <Hello name="Athraya" />


更新时间:2023-11-29 07:11



这听起来像你需要的是电话筛选 。 C#中也有一些例子。


I work at Twilio with the developer community.

It sounds like what you need here is Call Screening. There are also some examples there in C#.

Hope this helps.


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  • Twilio开发者传道者在这里。 我将通过向您的任务添加一个新的数组属性来记录拒绝该任务的工作人员的SID。 然后,当工作人员拒绝保留时,在该任务上添加该属性。 然后,您可以添加到目标表达式 : worker.sid NOT IN task.rejected_workers 一旦任务失败了该表达式,将其移动到具有一个空闲工作队而不是接受预留的新队列,只需将该呼叫重定向到某些TwiML以语音邮件。 如果这有帮助,请告诉我。 编辑 事实证明,这并不是实现这一目标的正确方法,即使目标工作者表达式 ...
  • 您可以使用数据库驱动的用户列表。 http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+voicemail+database 在数据库中,您可以使用视图和/或函数来创建虚拟用户列表。 You can use database-driven list of users. http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+voicemail+database In database you can use view and/or funct ...
  • 我和开发者社区一起在Twilio工作。 这听起来像你需要的是电话筛选 。 C#中也有一些例子。 希望这可以帮助。 I work at Twilio with the developer community. It sounds like what you need here is Call Screening. There are also some examples there in C#. Hope this helps.
  • 看看Tropo 。 它似乎有你描述的大部分功能,还有一些会让你感到沮丧 - 包括短信服务。 它也是免费的开发和廉价的生产。 我不为Tropo或附属公司工作,我只是听说过有关服务的好消息。 Take a look at Tropo. It seems to have much of the functionality you describe, and a few more which will tickle you pink - including SMS service. It's also free f ...
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