首页 \ 问答 \ 当套接字被连接时,socketio是否会创建一个房间?(Does socketio creates a room always when a socket gets coonected?)

当套接字被连接时,socketio是否会创建一个房间?(Does socketio creates a room always when a socket gets coonected?)



var allSockets = []; // Adding all new sockets in an array

console.log(allSockets.length); // checking length of an array after socket connection

  res.send(io.sockets.adapter.rooms); // just a url to see the rooms connected



我可以在上面的结果中看到,两个用户都有自己的房间以及他们两个在一起的新房间。 所以共有三个房间。


I am creating a private chat app want to add specif sockets on rooms based on their interest and behaviours and i want an user to be in a room at any time.

My question here is does socket.io automatically create a room whenever a new socket gets connected or it happens because of my code?

var allSockets = []; // Adding all new sockets in an array

console.log(allSockets.length); // checking length of an array after socket connection

  res.send(io.sockets.adapter.rooms); // just a url to see the rooms connected

Above is an example of code and below is an example of output when two users gets connected


I can see in the above result that two users have their own room as well a new room created by where they both are together. So total of three rooms.

Is there any way to get rid of default rooms socketio creates if any.

更新时间:2023-07-12 10:07


$对shell和make都有意义,而awk。 如果你想要非make语义,你必须加倍以避免make语义。

第二个例子很简单:它只是$1$3 awk语义。

第一个是$$的shell语义。 $$是:

Process ID (PID) of the script itself. [5] The $$ variable often finds use in scripts to
construct "unique" temp file names (see Example 31-6, Example 16-31, 
and Example 15-27). This is usually simpler than invoking mktemp.


$ has meaning to both the shell and make, and awk. If you want non-make semantics, you have to double to avoid the make semantics.

The second example is thus easy: It's just awk-semantics for the $1 and $3.

The first one is shell semantics for $$. $$ is:

Process ID (PID) of the script itself. [5] The $$ variable often finds use in scripts to
construct "unique" temp file names (see Example 31-6, Example 16-31, 
and Example 15-27). This is usually simpler than invoking mktemp.

to grab a quick quote.


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