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替换Process.Start与AppDomains(Replacing Process.Start with AppDomains)


我有一个Windows服务,使用各种第三方DLL来执行PDF文件的工作。 这些操作可以使用相当多的系统资源,偶尔在发生错误时似乎会遇到内存泄漏。 DLL是围绕其他非托管DLL的托管包装器。


在一种情况下,我已经通过在专用控制台应用程序中调用其中一个DLL并通过Process.Start()调用该应用程序来缓解此问题。 如果操作失败,并且存在内存泄漏或未发布的文件句柄,那并不重要。 该过程将结束,操作系统将恢复手柄。

我想将这个相同的逻辑应用到我的应用程序中使用这些DLL的其他地方。 然而,我对于在我的解决方案中添加更多的控制台项目感到非常兴奋,并编写了更多的调用Process.Start()的锅炉代码,并解析了控制台应用程序的输出。


专用控制台应用程序和Process.Start()的优雅替代方案似乎是使用AppDomains,如下所示: http : //blogs.geekdojo.net/richard/archive/2003/12/10/428.aspx 。

我已经在我的应用程序中实现了类似的代码,但单元测试没有前景。 我在单独的AppDomain中为测试文件创建一个FileStream,但不要处理它。 然后我尝试在主域中创建另一个FileStream,并且由于未发布的文件锁定而失败。

有趣的是,将空DomainUnload事件添加到工作者域将使单元测试通过。 无论如何,我担心也许创建“工作者”AppDomains不会解决我的问题。



/// <summary>
/// Executes a method in a separate AppDomain.  This should serve as a simple replacement
/// of running code in a separate process via a console app.
/// </summary>
public T RunInAppDomain<T>( Func<T> func )
    AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain ( "Delegate Executor " + func.GetHashCode (), null,
        new AppDomainSetup { ApplicationBase = Environment.CurrentDirectory } );

    domain.DomainUnload += ( sender, e ) =>
        // this empty event handler fixes the unit test, but I don't know why

        domain.DoCallBack ( new AppDomainDelegateWrapper ( domain, func ).Invoke );

        return (T)domain.GetData ( "result" );
        AppDomain.Unload ( domain );

public void RunInAppDomain( Action func )
    RunInAppDomain ( () => { func (); return 0; } );

/// <summary>
/// Provides a serializable wrapper around a delegate.
/// </summary>
private class AppDomainDelegateWrapper : MarshalByRefObject
    private readonly AppDomain _domain;
    private readonly Delegate _delegate;

    public AppDomainDelegateWrapper( AppDomain domain, Delegate func )
        _domain = domain;
        _delegate = func;

    public void Invoke()
        _domain.SetData ( "result", _delegate.DynamicInvoke () );


public void RunInAppDomainCleanupCheck()
    const string path = @"../../Output/appdomain-hanging-file.txt";

    using( var file = File.CreateText ( path ) )
        file.WriteLine( "test" );

    // verify that file handles that aren't closed in an AppDomain-wrapped call are cleaned up after the call returns
    Portal.ProcessService.RunInAppDomain ( () =>
        // open a test file, but don't release it.  The handle should be released when the AppDomain is unloaded
        new FileStream ( path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None );
    } );

    // sleeping for a while doesn't make a difference
    //Thread.Sleep ( 10000 );

    // creating a new FileStream will fail if the DomainUnload event is not bound
    using( var file = new FileStream ( path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None ) )


I have a Windows service that uses various third-party DLLs to perform work on PDF files. These operations can use quite a bit of system resources, and occasionally seem to suffer from memory leaks when errors occur. The DLLs are managed wrappers around other unmanaged DLLs.

Current Solution

I'm already mitigating this issue in one case by wrapping a call to one of the DLLs in a dedicated console app and calling that app via Process.Start(). If the operation fails and there are memory leaks or unreleased file handles, it doesn't really matter. The process will end and the OS will recover the handles.

I'd like to apply this same logic to the other places in my app that use these DLLs. However, I'm not terribly excited about adding more console projects to my solution, and writing even more boiler-plate code that calls Process.Start() and parses the output of the console apps.

New Solution

An elegant alternative to dedicated console apps and Process.Start() seems to be the use of AppDomains, like this: http://blogs.geekdojo.net/richard/archive/2003/12/10/428.aspx.

I've implemented similar code in my application, but the unit tests have not been promising. I create a FileStream to a test file in a separate AppDomain, but don't dispose it. I then attempt to create another FileStream in the main domain, and it fails due to the unreleased file lock.

Interestingly, adding an empty DomainUnload event to the worker domain makes the unit test pass. Regardless, I'm concerned that maybe creating "worker" AppDomains won't solve my problem.


The Code

/// <summary>
/// Executes a method in a separate AppDomain.  This should serve as a simple replacement
/// of running code in a separate process via a console app.
/// </summary>
public T RunInAppDomain<T>( Func<T> func )
    AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain ( "Delegate Executor " + func.GetHashCode (), null,
        new AppDomainSetup { ApplicationBase = Environment.CurrentDirectory } );

    domain.DomainUnload += ( sender, e ) =>
        // this empty event handler fixes the unit test, but I don't know why

        domain.DoCallBack ( new AppDomainDelegateWrapper ( domain, func ).Invoke );

        return (T)domain.GetData ( "result" );
        AppDomain.Unload ( domain );

public void RunInAppDomain( Action func )
    RunInAppDomain ( () => { func (); return 0; } );

/// <summary>
/// Provides a serializable wrapper around a delegate.
/// </summary>
private class AppDomainDelegateWrapper : MarshalByRefObject
    private readonly AppDomain _domain;
    private readonly Delegate _delegate;

    public AppDomainDelegateWrapper( AppDomain domain, Delegate func )
        _domain = domain;
        _delegate = func;

    public void Invoke()
        _domain.SetData ( "result", _delegate.DynamicInvoke () );

The unit test

public void RunInAppDomainCleanupCheck()
    const string path = @"../../Output/appdomain-hanging-file.txt";

    using( var file = File.CreateText ( path ) )
        file.WriteLine( "test" );

    // verify that file handles that aren't closed in an AppDomain-wrapped call are cleaned up after the call returns
    Portal.ProcessService.RunInAppDomain ( () =>
        // open a test file, but don't release it.  The handle should be released when the AppDomain is unloaded
        new FileStream ( path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None );
    } );

    // sleeping for a while doesn't make a difference
    //Thread.Sleep ( 10000 );

    // creating a new FileStream will fail if the DomainUnload event is not bound
    using( var file = new FileStream ( path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None ) )

更新时间:2023-12-03 15:12


使用@Transient注释。 它告诉该成员不可持久。

Use the @Transient annotation. It tells that the member is not persistable.


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