首页 \ 问答 \ 添加随机数会使它们更随机吗?(Does adding random numbers make them more random?)

添加随机数会使它们更随机吗?(Does adding random numbers make them more random?)



假设我想要一个10到20的随机数。我可以这样做( myRandomNumber是一个整型变量):

myRandomNumber = rand(10, 20);


myRandomNumber = rand(5, 10) + rand(5, 10);


This is a purely theoretical question.

We all know that most, if not all, random-number generators actually only generate pseudo-random numbers.

Let's say I want a random number from 10 to 20. I can do this as follows (myRandomNumber being an integer-type variable):

myRandomNumber = rand(10, 20);

However, if I execute this statement:

myRandomNumber = rand(5, 10) + rand(5, 10);

Is this method more random?

更新时间:2023-06-15 10:06


如今NuGet是要走的路。 如果您仍在手动处理组件,我担心您做错了。

你绝对应该通过NuGet包安装它。 这将使您在出现新更新时不会感到头疼。 NuGet知道如何正确管理包依赖关系,也就是说,它还会更新项目中安装的所有其他包,使它们与最新的ASP.NET MVC兼容。 在这种特殊情况下,事情真的变得越来越好! :)

NuGet nowadays is the way to go. If you are still dealing with assemblies manually, I fear you're doing it wrong.

You definitely should install it through a NuGet package. This will allow you no headaches when new updates appear. NuGet knows how to manage package dependencies correctly, that is, it'll also update all other packages you have installed in your project to make them compatible with the latest ASP.NET MVC. Things are really EVOLVING for the better in this specific case! :)


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