首页 \ 问答 \ SyndicationFeed不添加rel =“self”属性(SyndicationFeed not adding rel=“self” attribute)

SyndicationFeed不添加rel =“self”属性(SyndicationFeed not adding rel=“self” attribute)


我似乎一切正常,除非我使用W3C Feed验证服务来验证我的Feed,我收到以下警告。

此Feed有效,但可以通过实施以下建议来改进与最广泛的Feed阅读器的互操作性。 第2行,第0列:缺少原子:与rel =“self”的链接

将属性添加到我创建的标记中很容易,但是如何让SyndicationFeed添加它? 我没有看到这个设置。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:lang="en-us">
   <title type="text">Insider Articles</title>
   <subtitle type="text">Insider Articles data feed.</subtitle>
   <rights type="text">Copyright (c) 2016 Insider Articles. All Rights Reserved.</rights>
   <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.insiderarticles.com/" />
   <!-- Etc... -->


// Construct feed
SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed(
    new Uri(Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationDomainRoot),
    string.Format("{0}/Syndication/Atom", Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationDomainRoot),
    feed.Language = "en-us";
    feed.Copyright = new TextSyndicationContent(Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationCopyright);
    feed.ImageUrl = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/Content/Images/rss.jpg", uriRoot));
    feed.Items = items;

I'm using SyndicationFeed to generate an Atom feed.

I seem to have everything working except when I use W3C Feed Validation Service to validate my feed, I get the following warning.

This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations. line 2, column 0: Missing atom:link with rel="self"

It's easy enough to add an attribute to a tag that I created, but how can I get SyndicationFeed to add it? I'm not seeing a setting for this.

Here is the first part of my feed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:lang="en-us">
   <title type="text">Insider Articles</title>
   <subtitle type="text">Insider Articles data feed.</subtitle>
   <rights type="text">Copyright (c) 2016 Insider Articles. All Rights Reserved.</rights>
   <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.insiderarticles.com/" />
   <!-- Etc... -->

Here's how I'm constructing my feed (minus the feed items).

// Construct feed
SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed(
    new Uri(Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationDomainRoot),
    string.Format("{0}/Syndication/Atom", Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationDomainRoot),
    feed.Language = "en-us";
    feed.Copyright = new TextSyndicationContent(Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationCopyright);
    feed.ImageUrl = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/Content/Images/rss.jpg", uriRoot));
    feed.Items = items;

更新时间:2024-02-15 13:02


我看过这个,如果我使用background-image :( someimage.png)或img src ='someimage.png'并不重要,因为图像名称保持不变但是IE缓存图像直到执行强制重载。 因此,我每次都使用以下方法动态更改图像名称。

$str = explode(".", $iFilename);
$fName = $str[0] . "_" . mktime() . "." . $str[1];
$this->filename = $fName;


I have looked at this and it does not matter if I use the background-image:(someimage.png) or img src='someimage.png' because the image name remains the same but IE caches the image until a force reload is executed. Therefore I have changed the image name dynamically each time by using the following.

$str = explode(".", $iFilename);
$fName = $str[0] . "_" . mktime() . "." . $str[1];
$this->filename = $fName;

I am not sure if there is another way of doing this that does not involve changing the filename so I am open to suggestions?


  • 因为content属性与:: before和:: after伪元素一起使用以在文档中生成内容。 http://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS/Properties/content