首页 \ 问答 \ 在Swift中的Framework中导入Facebook SDK(Import Facebook SDK inside Framework in Swift)

在Swift中的Framework中导入Facebook SDK(Import Facebook SDK inside Framework in Swift)

我正在开发一个Swift框架,需要在其中实现Facebook登录。 但是,当我尝试将FacebookSDK包含在伞形标题中时,我得到以下结果:

include of non-modular header inside framework module <MyModule>

我查看了Xcode 6 / Beta 4:不支持使用带有框架目标的桥接头

但我无法按照答案中的建议将框架标题添加到我的公共标题中。 有没有人设法解决这个问题,或者知道如何将框架导入框架?

I'm developing a Swift framework and need to implement Facebook login in it. However when I try to include the FacebookSDK into the umbrella header I get the following:

include of non-modular header inside framework module <MyModule>

I have looked at Xcode 6 / Beta 4: using bridging headers with framework targets is unsupported

But I can't add the framework headers to my public headers as suggested in the answer. Has anyone managed to solve this, or know how to import a Framework into a Framework?

更新时间:2023-09-05 18:09







You can do this in many ways here are two most common.

Method 1

Create user control for each page which you want to be printed add these user controls in the page where user will print the page.Load each user control in separate div and place in main container and at print time get css of container div which will include all data.

Method 2

Create div for each page which you were opening in new window in a main container .Load data in divs at page load and when user press Print get all html of container div and print it.


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