首页 \ 问答 \ SQL:SQL数据库中的链接列表?(SQL : Linked lists in SQL database?)

SQL:SQL数据库中的链接列表?(SQL : Linked lists in SQL database?)


我正在做一个库存系统 - 应该支持多个商店,每个商店都有自己的商品数据库,前100个商店有50.000个商品号。

itemnumber数据库是全局的(所有商店都是相同的itemnumbers) - 但由于我需要跟踪每个商店的库存数量,我假设我需要为每个商店创建一个本地副本,那就是很多表和很多冗余数据。

但令我头疼的是,对于每个库存(他们从整个库存计算完整的商店) - 我需要添加新的库存数量pr项目编号(和一些结果字段,更正库存与原始库存等) - 这是应该添加的东西每次他们选择完成补货/重新计票。



然后对于新的库存,当它完成时我需要将这3个值添加到记录中 - 如果他们选择做ex。 200个库存计数我需要在每个项目中添加200个这样的集合:

库存积分,总计数,差异(总计数 - 总计数)


如果我有某种链表,我可以让它在我的脑海里工作 - 其中itemrecord上的链表代表了库存会话的字段集 - 所以不是将50.000条记录的完整副本复制到另一个表中对于每个库存会话,我将能够通过包含2的链表扩展表。


是否有可能以正确的方式在SQL数据库中以某种方式使用链表结构或此类问题? 或者你会建议我使用另一个数据库而不是SQL?

Have a structual question i dont know how to solve exactly.

Im doing an inventory system - where there should be support for multiple stores, each with their own item database, ex 100 stores with 50.000 itemnumbers.

The itemnumber database is global ( same itemnumbers for all stores ) - but since i need to keep track on stock count in each store, i assume i would need to create a local copy per shop, thats alot of tables and alot of redundant data.

But my headache is that for each inventory ( they count the complete shop from scrath ) - i need to add the new stockcount pr itemnumber ( and some result fields, corrected stock vs original stock etc. ) - and this is something that should be added each time they choose to do a complete restock/recount.

lets say the itemdatabase is :

itemno, description, total stock now

Then for a new inventory when its completed i need to add these 3 values to the record - if they chose to do ex. 200 inventory counts i would need 200 of these sets to be added per itemnumber :

inventorysession,total count, difference (total count - total count)

Since i have to be able to do this for each new restock/recount (inventory session), and keep the results for each as a history of events, i cannot ( i think ) in SQL add dynamic fields to the current table structure.

I could get it to work in my mind if i had some kind of linked list - where the linked list on the itemrecord would represent the sets of fields pr inventory-sessions - so instead of making a complete copy of the 50.000 records into another table for each inventory session, i would be able to extend the table throuh a linked list which would contain the 2.

Another option would be some kind of relational thing with several tables i guess, but that gets complicated and i worry about all the lookup's it would require.

Is it possible in a correct way to somehow use a linked list structure or this kinda of problem in a SQL database ? or would you advice me to use another database instead of SQL ?

更新时间:2021-12-05 08:12



1) Postgres db is running
2) pg is installed: 

npm install --save pg

3) Add also protocol to your config

Make sure:

1) Postgres db is running
2) pg is installed: 

npm install --save pg

3) Add also protocol to your config


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