首页 \ 问答 \ 使用SLURM的openMPI作业进行分段错误(segmention fault using openMPI jobs with SLURM)

使用SLURM的openMPI作业进行分段错误(segmention fault using openMPI jobs with SLURM)

尝试使用slurm SBATCH作业或使用MPI超过infiniband的SRUN作业时出现问题。

安装了OpenMPI,如果我使用mpirun -n 30 ./hello启动以下测试程序(称为hello ), mpirun -n 30 ./hello可以工作。

// compilation: mpicc -o helloMPI helloMPI.c
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( int argc, char * argv [] )
   int myrank, nproc;
   MPI_Init ( &argc, &argv );
   MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc );
   MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank );
  printf ( "hello from rank %d of %d\n", myrank, nproc );
   MPI_Barrier ( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
   MPI_Finalize (); 
   return 0;


user@master:~/hello$ mpicc -o hello hello.c
user@master:~/hello$ mpirun -n 30 ./hello
[[5627,1],2]: A high-performance Open MPI point-to-point messaging module
was unable to find any relevant network interfaces:

Module: usNIC
  Host: master

Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
hello from rank 25 of 30
hello from rank 1 of 30
hello from rank 6 of 30
hello from rank 17 of 30


user@master:~/hello$ srun -n 20 ./hello
[node05:01937] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01937] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01937] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01937] Failing at address: 0x30
[node05:01937] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7fcf6bf7ecb0]
[node05:01937] [ 1] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x244c6)[0x7fcf679b64c6]
[node05:01937] [ 2] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x254cb)[0x7fcf679b74cb]
[node05:01937] [ 3] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(ompi_btl_openib_connect_base_select_for_local_port+0xb1)[0x7fcf679b2141]
[node05:01937] [ 4] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x10ad0)[0x7fcf679a2ad0]
[node05:01937] [ 5] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_btl_base_select+0x114)[0x7fcf6c209b34]
[node05:01937] [ 6] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_bml_r2.so(mca_bml_r2_component_init+0x12)[0x7fcf67bca652]
[node05:01937] [ 7] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_bml_base_init+0x69)[0x7fcf6c209359]
[node05:01937] [ 8] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so(+0x5975)[0x7fcf65d1b975]
[node05:01937] [ 9] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_pml_base_select+0x35c)[0x7fcf6c21a0bc]
[node05:01937] [10] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(ompi_mpi_init+0x4ed)[0x7fcf6c1cb89d]
[node05:01937] [11] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(MPI_Init+0x16b)[0x7fcf6c1eb56b]
[node05:01937] [12] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400826]
[node05:01937] [13] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed)[0x7fcf6bbd076d]
[node05:01937] [14] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400749]
[node05:01937] *** End of error message ***
[node05:01938] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01938] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01938] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01938] Failing at address: 0x30
[node05:01940] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01940] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01940] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01940] Failing at address: 0x30
[node05:01938] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7f68b2e10cb0]
[node05:01938] [ 1] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x244c6)[0x7f68ae8484c6]
[node05:01938] [ 2] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x254cb)[0x7f68ae8494cb]
[node05:01940] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7f8af1d82cb0]
[node05:01940] [ 1] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x244c6)[0x7f8aed7ba4c6]
[node05:01940] [ 2] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x254cb)[0x7f8aed7bb4cb]
[node05:01940] [ 3] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(ompi_btl_openib_connect_base_select_for_local_port+0xb1)[0x7f8aed7b6141]
[node05:01940] [ 4] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x10ad0)[0x7f8aed7a6ad0]
[node05:01938] [ 3] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(ompi_btl_openib_connect_base_select_for_local_port+0xb1)[0x7f68ae844141]
[node05:01938] [ 4] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x10ad0)[0x7f68ae834ad0]
[node05:01938] [ 5] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_btl_base_select+0x114)[0x7f68b309bb34]
[node05:01938] [ 6] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_bml_r2.so(mca_bml_r2_component_init+0x12)[0x7f68aea5c652]
[node05:01940] [ 5] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_btl_base_select+0x114)[0x7f8af200db34]
[node05:01940] [ 6] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_bml_r2.so(mca_bml_r2_component_init+0x12)[0x7f8aed9ce652]
[node05:01938] [ 7] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_bml_base_init+0x69)[0x7f68b309b359]
[node05:01938] [ 8] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so(+0x5975)[0x7f68acbad975]
[node05:01940] [ 7] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_bml_base_init+0x69)[0x7f8af200d359]
[node05:01940] [ 8] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so(+0x5975)[0x7f8aebb1f975]
[node05:01940] [ 9] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_pml_base_select+0x35c)[0x7f8af201e0bc]
[node05:01938] [ 9] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_pml_base_select+0x35c)[0x7f68b30ac0bc]
[node05:01938] [10] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(ompi_mpi_init+0x4ed)[0x7f68b305d89d]
[node05:01940] [10] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(ompi_mpi_init+0x4ed)[0x7f8af1fcf89d]
[node05:01938] [11] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(MPI_Init+0x16b)[0x7f68b307d56b]
[node05:01938] [12] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400826]
[node05:01940] [11] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(MPI_Init+0x16b)[0x7f8af1fef56b]
[node05:01940] [12] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400826]
[node05:01938] [13] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed)[0x7f68b2a6276d]
[node05:01938] [14] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400749]
[node05:01938] *** End of error message ***
[node05:01940] [13] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed)[0x7f8af19d476d]
[node05:01940] [14] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400749]
[node05:01940] *** End of error message ***
[node05:01939] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01939] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01939] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01939] Failing at address: 0x30

有谁知道这是什么问题? 我已经构建了具有Slurm支持的openMPI,并安装了相同版本的编译器和库,实际上所有的库都在安装在每个节点上的NFS共享中。


它应该使用infiniband,因为它已安装。 但是当我和mpirun一起玩时,我注意到了

[[5627,1],2]: A high-performance Open MPI point-to-point messaging module
was unable to find any relevant network interfaces:

Module: usNIC
  Host: cluster

我想这意味着“没有通过infiniband”。 我已经安装了infiniband驱动程序,并在Infiniband上设置了IP。 Slurm配置为使用infiniband IP运行:它是正确的配置吗?



我刚刚尝试使用MPICH2而不是openMPI编译它,它可以与SLURM一起使用。 所以问题可能与openMPI有关,而不是Slurm配置?

编辑2:实际上,我已经看到使用openMPI 1.6.5(而不是1.8)与SBATCH命令而不是SRUN我的脚本被执行(即它返回线程号,等级和主机。但它显示与openfabric供应商相关的警告和注册记忆的分配:

The OpenFabrics (openib) BTL failed to initialize while trying to
allocate some locked memory.  This typically can indicate that the
memlock limits are set too low.  For most HPC installations, the
memlock limits should be set to "unlimited".  The failure occured

  Local host:    node05
  OMPI source:   btl_openib_component.c:1216
  Function:      ompi_free_list_init_ex_new()
  Device:        mlx4_0
  Memlock limit: 65536

You may need to consult with your system administrator to get this
problem fixed.  This FAQ entry on the Open MPI web site may also be

WARNING: There was an error initializing an OpenFabrics device.

  Local host:   node05
  Local device: mlx4_0
Hello world from process 025 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 030 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 032 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 046 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 031 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 041 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 034 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 044 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 033 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 045 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 026 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 043 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 024 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 038 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 014 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 027 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 036 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 019 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 028 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 040 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 023 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 042 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 018 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 039 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 021 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 047 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 037 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 015 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 035 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 020 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 029 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 016 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 017 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 022 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 012 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 013 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 000 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 001 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 002 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 003 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 006 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 009 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 011 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 004 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 007 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 008 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 010 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 005 out of 048, processor name node04
[node04:04390] 47 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-btl-openib.txt / init-fail-no-mem
[node04:04390] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages
[node04:04390] 47 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-btl-openib.txt / error in device init

我从中理解的是,a)v.1.6.5有更好的错误处理和b)我必须配置更多注册内存大小的openMPI和/或infiniband驱动程序。 我看到这个页面 ,显然我只需要修改openMPI的东西? 我得测试一下......

I have a problem when trying tu use slurm SBATCH jobs or SRUN jobs with MPI over infiniband.

OpenMPI is installed, and if I launch the following test program (called hello) with mpirun -n 30 ./hello it works.

// compilation: mpicc -o helloMPI helloMPI.c
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( int argc, char * argv [] )
   int myrank, nproc;
   MPI_Init ( &argc, &argv );
   MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc );
   MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank );
  printf ( "hello from rank %d of %d\n", myrank, nproc );
   MPI_Barrier ( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
   MPI_Finalize (); 
   return 0;

so :

user@master:~/hello$ mpicc -o hello hello.c
user@master:~/hello$ mpirun -n 30 ./hello
[[5627,1],2]: A high-performance Open MPI point-to-point messaging module
was unable to find any relevant network interfaces:

Module: usNIC
  Host: master

Another transport will be used instead, although this may result in
lower performance.
hello from rank 25 of 30
hello from rank 1 of 30
hello from rank 6 of 30
hello from rank 17 of 30

When I try to launch it through SLURM I get segmentation faults like this:

user@master:~/hello$ srun -n 20 ./hello
[node05:01937] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01937] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01937] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01937] Failing at address: 0x30
[node05:01937] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7fcf6bf7ecb0]
[node05:01937] [ 1] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x244c6)[0x7fcf679b64c6]
[node05:01937] [ 2] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x254cb)[0x7fcf679b74cb]
[node05:01937] [ 3] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(ompi_btl_openib_connect_base_select_for_local_port+0xb1)[0x7fcf679b2141]
[node05:01937] [ 4] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x10ad0)[0x7fcf679a2ad0]
[node05:01937] [ 5] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_btl_base_select+0x114)[0x7fcf6c209b34]
[node05:01937] [ 6] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_bml_r2.so(mca_bml_r2_component_init+0x12)[0x7fcf67bca652]
[node05:01937] [ 7] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_bml_base_init+0x69)[0x7fcf6c209359]
[node05:01937] [ 8] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so(+0x5975)[0x7fcf65d1b975]
[node05:01937] [ 9] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_pml_base_select+0x35c)[0x7fcf6c21a0bc]
[node05:01937] [10] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(ompi_mpi_init+0x4ed)[0x7fcf6c1cb89d]
[node05:01937] [11] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(MPI_Init+0x16b)[0x7fcf6c1eb56b]
[node05:01937] [12] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400826]
[node05:01937] [13] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed)[0x7fcf6bbd076d]
[node05:01937] [14] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400749]
[node05:01937] *** End of error message ***
[node05:01938] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01938] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01938] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01938] Failing at address: 0x30
[node05:01940] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01940] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01940] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01940] Failing at address: 0x30
[node05:01938] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7f68b2e10cb0]
[node05:01938] [ 1] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x244c6)[0x7f68ae8484c6]
[node05:01938] [ 2] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x254cb)[0x7f68ae8494cb]
[node05:01940] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7f8af1d82cb0]
[node05:01940] [ 1] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x244c6)[0x7f8aed7ba4c6]
[node05:01940] [ 2] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x254cb)[0x7f8aed7bb4cb]
[node05:01940] [ 3] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(ompi_btl_openib_connect_base_select_for_local_port+0xb1)[0x7f8aed7b6141]
[node05:01940] [ 4] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x10ad0)[0x7f8aed7a6ad0]
[node05:01938] [ 3] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(ompi_btl_openib_connect_base_select_for_local_port+0xb1)[0x7f68ae844141]
[node05:01938] [ 4] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_openib.so(+0x10ad0)[0x7f68ae834ad0]
[node05:01938] [ 5] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_btl_base_select+0x114)[0x7f68b309bb34]
[node05:01938] [ 6] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_bml_r2.so(mca_bml_r2_component_init+0x12)[0x7f68aea5c652]
[node05:01940] [ 5] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_btl_base_select+0x114)[0x7f8af200db34]
[node05:01940] [ 6] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_bml_r2.so(mca_bml_r2_component_init+0x12)[0x7f8aed9ce652]
[node05:01938] [ 7] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_bml_base_init+0x69)[0x7f68b309b359]
[node05:01938] [ 8] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so(+0x5975)[0x7f68acbad975]
[node05:01940] [ 7] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_bml_base_init+0x69)[0x7f8af200d359]
[node05:01940] [ 8] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1.so(+0x5975)[0x7f8aebb1f975]
[node05:01940] [ 9] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_pml_base_select+0x35c)[0x7f8af201e0bc]
[node05:01938] [ 9] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(mca_pml_base_select+0x35c)[0x7f68b30ac0bc]
[node05:01938] [10] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(ompi_mpi_init+0x4ed)[0x7f68b305d89d]
[node05:01940] [10] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(ompi_mpi_init+0x4ed)[0x7f8af1fcf89d]
[node05:01938] [11] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(MPI_Init+0x16b)[0x7f68b307d56b]
[node05:01938] [12] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400826]
[node05:01940] [11] /opt/cluster/spool/openMPI/1.8/gcc/lib/libmpi.so.1(MPI_Init+0x16b)[0x7f8af1fef56b]
[node05:01940] [12] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400826]
[node05:01938] [13] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed)[0x7f68b2a6276d]
[node05:01938] [14] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400749]
[node05:01938] *** End of error message ***
[node05:01940] [13] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xed)[0x7f8af19d476d]
[node05:01940] [14] /home/user/hello/./hello[0x400749]
[node05:01940] *** End of error message ***
[node05:01939] *** Process received signal ***
[node05:01939] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[node05:01939] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[node05:01939] Failing at address: 0x30

Does anyone know what is the problem? I have built openMPI with Slurm support, and installed the same version of compilers and libs, in fact all the libs are in a NFS share which is mounted on each node.


It should use infiniband, as it is installed. But when I lauch openmpi with mpirun I notice the

[[5627,1],2]: A high-performance Open MPI point-to-point messaging module
was unable to find any relevant network interfaces:

Module: usNIC
  Host: cluster

which I guess means "not running through infiniband". I have installed infiniband drivers, and set up IP over Infiniband. Slurm is configured to run with infiniband IPs : is it a right configuration?

Thanks in advance Best regards


I have just tried to compile it with MPICH2 instead of openMPI and it work with SLURM. So the problem is probably related to openMPI and not Slurm configuration?

EDIT 2: Actually, I have seen that using openMPI 1.6.5 (instead of 1.8) with SBATCH command instead of SRUN my script is executed (i.e. it returns the thread number, rank and host. But it shows warnings related to the openfabric vendor and allocation of registered memory:

The OpenFabrics (openib) BTL failed to initialize while trying to
allocate some locked memory.  This typically can indicate that the
memlock limits are set too low.  For most HPC installations, the
memlock limits should be set to "unlimited".  The failure occured

  Local host:    node05
  OMPI source:   btl_openib_component.c:1216
  Function:      ompi_free_list_init_ex_new()
  Device:        mlx4_0
  Memlock limit: 65536

You may need to consult with your system administrator to get this
problem fixed.  This FAQ entry on the Open MPI web site may also be

WARNING: There was an error initializing an OpenFabrics device.

  Local host:   node05
  Local device: mlx4_0
Hello world from process 025 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 030 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 032 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 046 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 031 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 041 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 034 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 044 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 033 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 045 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 026 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 043 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 024 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 038 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 014 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 027 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 036 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 019 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 028 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 040 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 023 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 042 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 018 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 039 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 021 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 047 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 037 out of 048, processor name node07
Hello world from process 015 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 035 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 020 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 029 out of 048, processor name node06
Hello world from process 016 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 017 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 022 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 012 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 013 out of 048, processor name node05
Hello world from process 000 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 001 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 002 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 003 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 006 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 009 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 011 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 004 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 007 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 008 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 010 out of 048, processor name node04
Hello world from process 005 out of 048, processor name node04
[node04:04390] 47 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-btl-openib.txt / init-fail-no-mem
[node04:04390] Set MCA parameter "orte_base_help_aggregate" to 0 to see all help / error messages
[node04:04390] 47 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-btl-openib.txt / error in device init

What I understand from that, is that a) v.1.6.5 has a better error handling and b) I have to configure openMPI and/or infiniband drivers with more registered memory size. I see this page and apparently I only need to modify openMPI stuff? I have to test it...

更新时间:2022-03-25 08:03


你可能需要一些libuv魔法才能让 node.js / v8线程从另一个线程执行你的回调。 这将涉及:

  • 一个uv_async_t句柄 ,用作主v8线程的唤醒调用:

    extern uv_async_t       async;
  • 一个uv_async_init调用, uv_async_init绑定到V8默认循环:

    uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), &async, async_cb_handler);
  • 以及一个事件处理程序,它将作用于v8主线程上的uvasync_t事件:

    void async_cb_handler(uv_async_t *handle) {
        NotifInfo *notif;
        mutex::scoped_lock sl(zqueue_mutex);
        while (!zqueue.empty()) {
            notif = zqueue.front();
            delete notif;
  • 最后,您还可能需要一个受互斥锁保护的队列,以便能够将一些数据从c ++插件线程传递到Node / V8:

    extern mutex                   zqueue_mutex;
    extern std::queue<NotifInfo *> zqueue;
  • 当您的C ++线程中发生某些事情时,只需将一个新项目推送到受互斥锁保护的队列,然后调用uv_async_send唤醒V8的默认事件循环(所谓的“主线程”)来处理该项目(然后可以调用您的Javascript)回调)

    void ozw_watcher_callback(OpenZWave::Notification const *cb, void *ctx) {
        NotifInfo *notif = new NotifInfo();
        notif->type   = cb->GetType();
        notif->homeid = cb->GetHomeId();
        mutex::scoped_lock sl(zqueue_mutex);


You probably need a bit of libuv magic to get the main node.js/v8 thread to execute your callback from another thread. This will involve:

  • A uv_async_t handle which acts as the wake-up call for the main v8 thread:

    extern uv_async_t       async;
  • A uv_async_init call which binds the uv_async_t to the V8 default loop:

    uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), &async, async_cb_handler);
  • And a event handler which will act on the uvasync_t event on the v8 main thread:

    void async_cb_handler(uv_async_t *handle) {
        NotifInfo *notif;
        mutex::scoped_lock sl(zqueue_mutex);
        while (!zqueue.empty()) {
            notif = zqueue.front();
            delete notif;
  • Finally, you'll also probably need a mutex-protected queue to be able to pass some data from the c++ addon thread to Node/V8:

    extern mutex                   zqueue_mutex;
    extern std::queue<NotifInfo *> zqueue;
  • When something happens in your C++ thread, just push a new item to the mutex-protected queue, and call uv_async_send to wake up V8's default event loop (the so called 'main thread') to process the item (which can then call your Javascript callbacks)

    void ozw_watcher_callback(OpenZWave::Notification const *cb, void *ctx) {
        NotifInfo *notif = new NotifInfo();
        notif->type   = cb->GetType();
        notif->homeid = cb->GetHomeId();
        mutex::scoped_lock sl(zqueue_mutex);

(Code snippets taken from the official Node.JS addon for OpenZWave)






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