首页 \ 问答 \ 将数据从Excel表单传递到新电子表格(Passing data from a Excel form to a new spreadsheet)

将数据从Excel表单传递到新电子表格(Passing data from a Excel form to a new spreadsheet)

我在Excel中尝试新的东西。 就像我对VBA一样新,所以请耐心等待。

我有一个包含大量内容的表单..一个项目是一个打开电子表格的按钮。 我想将表单中的信息传递给新打开的电子表格,但是我正在墙上运行。 我做了以下..


Public instno As String


Sub UserForm_Initialize()
instno = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "J").Value
' other stuff in here too, this is just for this problem...
End Sub


Private Sub CMB2_Click() 
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application 
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
xlApp.Visible = True 
xlApp.Workbooks.Open Filename:="G:\tracking.xlsm"
Cells(13, "E").Value = instno 'data should go into cell E13
End Sub

对我不起作用,有什么建议吗? 工作簿打开正常,无法将数据输入其中。

I´m trying something new in Excel. Just as new as I am to VBA, so please bear with me.

I have a form with a bunch of things on it.. one item is a button that opens a spreadsheet. I would like to pass information from the form to the newly opened spreadsheet but am running against a wall. I did the following..

Declared a public variable right at the top of the form

Public instno As String

then on the initialization of the form I assign a value to this string from the current worksheet.

Sub UserForm_Initialize()
instno = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "J").Value
' other stuff in here too, this is just for this problem...
End Sub

Now the code for the button that opens the new workbook and that I am trying to pass the value to.

Private Sub CMB2_Click() 
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application 
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
xlApp.Visible = True 
xlApp.Workbooks.Open Filename:="G:\tracking.xlsm"
Cells(13, "E").Value = instno 'data should go into cell E13
End Sub

Does not work for me, any suggestions ? The workbook opens fine, just can´t get the data into it.

更新时间:2022-06-22 14:06


您需要在命令中添加/ c:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("cmd.exe", @" /c cd\");

/ c:执行string指定的命令然后终止。


You need to add /c to the command:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("cmd.exe", @" /c cd\");

/c : Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates.

But try something a little more lengthy, so you can see if anything happens.


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