首页 \ 问答 \ 为什么SIP和PyQt4不相处(Why are SIP and PyQt4 not getting along)

为什么SIP和PyQt4不相处(Why are SIP and PyQt4 not getting along)

我在Windows中完成了大部分工作,并且设置了一个像我喜欢的python27。 我最近安装了virtualBox并运行了一个Ubuntu机器,并试图安装PyQt4。 我从apt-get安装并更新了所有内容,但是,当我尝试从PyQt4导入时

from PyQt4 import QtCore


RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v9.0 to v9.1 but the PyQt4.QtCore module requires API v8.1

我确信这是一个问题,我有知识基础要在Windows中解决,但是我的Linux经验不足在这里变得越来越好,并且我错误地安装了一些东西。 这个错误导致我相信我有一个SIP版本,对于我的PyQt版本来说太过幻想......任何人都有这方面的经验吗?

编辑 :如果我收到错误后再次尝试导入它似乎工作。 这样做,我获得了版本信息。

Out[9]: '4.9.3'
Out[10]: '4.14.3-snapshot-55188026fe6d'


I do most of my work in Windows and have a good python27 set up like I like it. I recently installed virtualBox and got a Ubuntu Machine running on it and am trying to get PyQt4 installed on it. I installed from apt-get and updated everything, however, when I try to import from PyQt4

from PyQt4 import QtCore

I get a runtimeError:

RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v9.0 to v9.1 but the PyQt4.QtCore module requires API v8.1

I am sure this is a problem that I would have the knowledge base to solve in Windows, but my Linux inexperience is getting the better of me here and I have installed something incorrectly. The error leads me to believe I have a SIP version that is too fancy for my PyQt version...anybody have any experience with this?

Edit: If I try the import again after receiving the error it seems to work. Doing this I obtained the version info.

Out[9]: '4.9.3'
Out[10]: '4.14.3-snapshot-55188026fe6d'

Not sure what all that snapshot business is about.

更新时间:2022-10-18 19:10






I don't know whether this is what you want, but if you are talking about the navigation bar which has the symbols you can click on, this is the way to go:


Funny, that is the second time you ask this....

By the way, you might want to check this proposal for a question/answer website focusing on LaTeX.


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