首页 \ 问答 \ 适用于Linux的C ++ IDE?(C++ IDE for Linux? [closed])

适用于Linux的C ++ IDE?(C++ IDE for Linux? [closed])

我想将我的编程视野扩展到Linux。 一个好的,可靠的基本工具集很重要,什么比IDE更基础?


  • 适用于linux的轻量级IDE
  • 您在Linux上使用什么工具来开发C ++应用程序?

我不是在寻找一个轻量级的 IDE。 如果一个IDE是值得的,那么我将付出代价,所以它不需要免费。


什么好的C ++编程IDE可用于Linux?


我已经搜索了它,但是有很多,几乎不可能用手分离好与坏人,特别是对于像我这样在Linux中具有很少C ++编码经验的人来说。 我知道Eclipse支持C ++ ,而且我真的很喜欢Java的IDE,但它对C ++有好处,还有什么更好的?




I want to expand my programming horizons to Linux. A good, dependable basic toolset is important, and what is more basic than an IDE?

I could find these SO topics:

I'm not looking for a lightweight IDE. If an IDE is worth the money, then I will pay for it, so it need not be free.

My question, then:

What good, C++ programming IDE is available for Linux?

The minimums are fairly standard: syntax highlighting, code completion (like intellisense or its Eclipse counterpart) and integrated debugging (e.g., basic breakpoints).

I have searched for it myself, but there are so many that it is almost impossible to separate the good from the bads by hand, especially for someone like me who has little C++ coding experience in Linux. I know that Eclipse supports C++, and I really like that IDE for Java, but is it any good for C++ and is there something better?

The second post actually has some good suggestions, but what I am missing is what exactly makes the sugested IDE so good for the user, what are its (dis)advantages?

Maybe my question should therefore be:

What IDE do you propose (given your experiences), and why?

更新时间:2023-04-30 17:04


来自jQuery.translate wiki; 首先将notranslate类添加到您不想翻译的元素中。


From the jQuery.translate wiki; first add the notranslate class to the elements you don't want to translate.



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