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时间重复效果(Repeat effect with timing)


$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.HighlightedTr').delay(1000).effect("highlight", {}, 1000);        

工作得很好,但有一次......有可能延迟一遍吗? 喜欢每秒或每5秒?


I have this code

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.HighlightedTr').delay(1000).effect("highlight", {}, 1000);        

Works good but once.. Is it possible to repeat this with some delay? like every seconds or every 5 seconds?


更新时间:2024-01-10 12:01


OleDB非常适合解析CSV数据,您不必使用反射。 以下是使用OleDB类进行映射的主要思路:

  1. 用户定义一个映射(使用委托,流畅的界面或其他东西),它进入Mapper类的Dictionary。
  2. Parser创建一个DataTable并从mapper中插入列
  3. Parser以正确的类型从CSV文件创建OleDbConnection,Adapter,Command和填充dataTable。
  4. 解析器从DataTable中提取IDataRecords,并且您的Mapper需要从IDataRecord映射到对象。 有关记录到对象映射的指导,我建议阅读ORM映射器的来源,如Dapper.NET,Massive,PetaPoco。

OleDb CSV解析:将csv加载到oleDB中并强制所有推断的数据类型为字符串


由于只有一个字符串,不言而喻,使用最简单,最简单的方法更好。 所以,对于问题:

实现泛型类 - 如果不需要进一步提升解析(不再需要字符串,将来不再有约束/特性),我会选择一个带有对象,字符串和映射信息的静态类。 它现在和你的几乎一样。 这里有一些修改版本(可能无法编译,但应该反映一般的想法):

public static class CSVParser
    public static void FillPOCO(object poco, string csvData, CSVMapping mapping)
        PropertyInfo[] relevantProperties = poco.GetType().GetProperties().Where(x => mapping.Mapping.Keys.Contains(x)).ToArray();
        string[] dataStrings = csvData.Split(',');
        foreach (PropertyInfo property in relevantProperties)
            SetPropertyValue(poco, property, dataStrings[mapping.Mapping[property.Name]]);

    private static void SetPropertyValue(object poco, PropertyInfo property, string value)
        // .. here goes code to change type to the necessary one ..
        property.SetValue(poco, value);

关于字符串到类型的值转换 - 有Convert.ChangeType方法处理大多数情况。 布尔变量存在特殊问题(当它被赋予“0”而不是“假”时)。

至于数据填充 - 尽管反射被认为是缓慢的,对于单个对象而且很少使用它应该足够,因为它简单易行。 处理poco种群问题的常用方法是:运行时转换方法创建(使用反射初始化然后像任何其他方法一样编译和调用) - 通常使用DynamicMethod,Expression Trees和类似方法实现 - 这里有很多话题在这里; 动态对象的使用(自C#4.0以来可用) - 在哪里分配/获取变量,你不需要声明它; 使用市场上的可用库(通常来自ORM系统,因为它们严重依赖于数据到对象的转换)。


OleDB is great at parsing CSV data and you don't have to use reflection for it. Here's the main idea for mapping with OleDB classes:

  1. User defines a mapping (using delegate, fluent interface or something) and it gets into the Dictionary in your Mapper class.
  2. Parser creates a DataTable and inserts columns from mapper
  3. Parser creates OleDbConnection, Adapter, Command and fills dataTable from CSV file in correct types.
  4. Parser extracts IDataRecords from DataTable and your Mapper needs to map from IDataRecord to objects. For guidance on record-to-object mapping I'd recommend reading sources of ORM mappers like Dapper.NET, Massive, PetaPoco.

OleDb CSV parsing: Load csv into oleDB and force all inferred datatypes to string


Since there's only one string, it goes without saying that using easiest and simplest approach is better. So, for the questions:

Implement generic class - if there's no need to further advance parsing (no more string, no more constraints/features in the future), I'd go for a static class that takes object, string and mapping information. It'd have almost the same look as yours does right now. Here's somewhat modified version (may not compile, but should reflect the general idea):

public static class CSVParser
    public static void FillPOCO(object poco, string csvData, CSVMapping mapping)
        PropertyInfo[] relevantProperties = poco.GetType().GetProperties().Where(x => mapping.Mapping.Keys.Contains(x)).ToArray();
        string[] dataStrings = csvData.Split(',');
        foreach (PropertyInfo property in relevantProperties)
            SetPropertyValue(poco, property, dataStrings[mapping.Mapping[property.Name]]);

    private static void SetPropertyValue(object poco, PropertyInfo property, string value)
        // .. here goes code to change type to the necessary one ..
        property.SetValue(poco, value);

Regarding the string to typed value conversion - there's Convert.ChangeType method that handles most of the cases. There's particular problem with boolean variables (when it's given "0" instead of "false") though.

As for data population - though reflection is said to be slow, for single objects and seldom usages it should suffice since it's easy and simple. Usual methods for dealing with problem of poco population are: run-time conversion method creation (that uses reflection to be initialized and then is compiled and called like any other method) - usually implemented using DynamicMethod, Expression Trees and similar - there's plenty of topic here on so; usage of dynamic objects (available since C# 4.0) - where to assign/get variable you don't need to declare it; use available libraries on the market (usually from the ORM systems, since they rely heavily on data-to-object conversion).

Personally, I'd measure if reflection is suitable for my performance needs and would progress forward pass the problem.


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