首页 \ 问答 \ 如何删除除img外的所有html标签?(How to remove all html tags except img?)

如何删除除img外的所有html标签?(How to remove all html tags except img?)

我收到了一些html文本,其中包含各种各样的html标签,例如<table>, <a>, <img>等。

现在我想用正则表达式去除除<img ...></img> (和大写<IMG></IMG> )之外的所有html标记。







     Hello, everyone. Here is my photo: <img src="xxx.jpg" />. 
     And, <a href="xxx">know more</a> about me!

我想保留,并删除其他标签。 以下是我想要的:

Hello, everyone. Here is my photo: <img src="xxx.jpg" />. And, know more about me!


html.replaceAll("<.*?>", "")

但它会删除<>之间的所有内容,但我想保留<img xxx></img> ,并删除< and >之间的其他内容


I got some html text, which contains all kinds of html tags, such as <table>, <a>, <img>, and so on.

Now I want to use a regular expression to remove all the html tags, except <img ...> and </img>(and upper case <IMG></IMG>).

How to do this?


My task is very simple, it just print the text content(including images) of a html as a summary in the front page, so I think regular expression is good and simple enough.


Maybe a sample will make my question better to understand :)

There are some html text:

     Hello, everyone. Here is my photo: <img src="xxx.jpg" />. 
     And, <a href="xxx">know more</a> about me!

I want to keep , and remove other tags. Following is what I want:

Hello, everyone. Here is my photo: <img src="xxx.jpg" />. And, know more about me!

Now I code like this:

html.replaceAll("<.*?>", "")

But it will remove all the content between < and >, but I want to keep <img xxx> and </img>, and remove the other content between < and >

Thank for everyone!

更新时间:2023-09-24 12:09


如果你纯粹看绘画的速度,你可以将图片分成许多较小的图片,这些图片会同时处理。 执行此操作的最有效方法是使用多个线程。


If you're looking purely at speed of drawing, you could split the picture into a number of smaller pictures which are processed simultaneously. The most effective way of doing this would be using multiple threads.

Comment if you need more info.


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